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  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I'll keep it real: I don't do it if I don't have to. The only times I force myself out of bed earlier in the morning to work out is if I've got something going on after work (son's t-ball practice, volunteer work stuff, etc). I am NOT a morning person either. For me to get to work on time and get in a work out, shower, etc, I have to be up by 4:30. So not my thing. Plus, when I work out in the morning I can't go as hard as I can in the afternoons and I'm tired the rest of the day. Yes, my diet is on track, yes I'm getting plenty of sleep, and yes I drink plenty of water. It's just me.

    That said, my mom gets up every morning at 5, gets in a great workout and is energized and ready for a full day of teaching high school, sometimes followed by personal training sessions (she is a trainer as well). She's told me many times it just takes a while to get into that routine, but once you're in it, it's very easy to get up earlier. Just stick with it, and after a few weeks you'll find yourself naturally waking up a bit earlier and going to bed earlier as well. Good luck!

    This is me to. I find that my evening workouts are better than morning!!! I am also tired the rest of the day to.
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    I set my alarm, snooze it once and then tell myself, "You can stay in bed and stay fat, or You can get Your *kitten* up and change that..."

    I love this!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    The really sketchy "Target Metabolism" commercial (I don't even want to know...) that's usually playing when my alarm goes off is more than enough to get me out of bed.
  • ButterflyRaven
    ButterflyRaven Posts: 15 Member
    I find a song I can't stand, get the ringtone , set it to my alarm, then set my phone across the room so when it goes off, I am motivated to get up and shut it up. If I chose a song I like I'd just lye there and listen to it.

    I try to get my exercise done after college. I get done at noon, and try to get my work out done a little after that or, I aim for around four. True morning workouts are better, but as early as I get up when I do chose to do so.....I think I'd wake everyone doing my dvds!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Keep Trying!

    What worked for me was asking myself this question in the early morning hour, "You can choose to get up and lose weight today or choose to stay in bed and stay the weight you are, which do you choose?"
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    I set my alarm, snooze it once and then tell myself, "You can stay in bed and stay fat, or You can get Your *kitten* up and change that..."

    LOL, exactly what I told myself this morning. Love it!!
  • Bostonstacey
    Bostonstacey Posts: 23 Member
    I've never been a morning person, then I went and married a bartender... that didn't help. I have, however, found that I kind of love working out in the morning -- nothing crazy, just a half-hour cardio kickboxing tape more often than not. If I do, I have more energy during the day, and I don't HAVE to work out in the evening if I don't want to or if something comes up (though I usually do work out in the evening, too).

    I have to set three alarms... one the time I SHOULD get up to work out before work. I almost always sleep through this one. The second is for the the absolute latest time that I can get up and still get a work out in before work. For the first few weeks, I woke up at this alarm a lot. The third, sadly, is for my old wake up time, which leaves no time to work out before work.

    For me, it was all about making it a habit. After a few weeks, I found myself getting out of bed in between the 1st and 2nd alarm without trying too hard. That being said, there are still nights where the hubby wakes me up at 3am when he's coming to bed, and then I can't get back to sleep, and I curse at the first to alarms and get up at the third... but then I feel crummy all day, which actually makes for excellent motivation to get out of bed all the earlier the next morning. :-)
  • I live on the fourth floor of my condo building and do not use the elevator (to go down at least). In my car is a complete shower bag, I took my "good" shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, flat iron, body wash, ALL of my makeup, etc. All I do at night is pick out my clothes for work and grab a fresh towel. I have made my "shower" bag so necessary to the point that if I really don't want to go to the gym at 5:15 when I leave I MUST go downstairs to get it. By that point, I may as well just get my booty in the car and go! I hope that helps!
  • I think about how lovely it is to finish early at the end of the day. It means more rest at the end of a day which is so lovely.

    I just remind myself I'm not going to enjoy getting out of bed at any point so I might as well jump out quickly now! ^__^
  • I set my alarm, snooze it once and then tell myself, "You can stay in bed and stay fat, or You can get Your *kitten* up and change that..."

    Haha! I love this! That's probably the best motivator, knowing that if you don't do it, you will stay how you are.

    For me, I don't know. I'm just really disciplined. I tell myself I have to and I just do. It's not hard for me. I never set the alarm, I am always up between 4 and 5 naturally, and so I just pack up and go the gym. I love my mornings at the gym. It's quieter and I can build relationships with the small group of people that go super early. And it makes me feel great all day. But I do get super tired when I get home from work, around five thirty in the evening. That's the only downfall for me. I am usually too tired to cook something healthy, but I have to anyway. By eight, I am bushed and go to bed.
  • Sometimes I actually say out loud "No one is going to do it for you!" and that gives me the mental boost to make my feet move!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    If you think you might want to start morning workouts, I always found it easier to start a new habit like that in the spring when the sun is already up. It's so much harder to ge out of bed in the dark! When you're up with the sun all summer it's much easier to get up on your own when it starts to be darker in the am.
  • You need to make sure you go to sleep early. I try to be in bed by 9 p.m so I can wake up at 4:20 a.m for Boot camp at 5 a.m. I make sure my gym bag and work out clothes is ready for the morning. Also, my alarm is away from my bed where I have to actually get up and turn it off. So once it goes off I get up turn it off and start getting ready. Snoozing the alarm and giving myself five or ten more min. isn't going to help me out but only miss boot camp. Hope this helps! :)
  • I don't think about it I just get up and start changing into my workout clothes. If I hit snooze or lay in bed I will talk myself out of going.

    There have been a few times I've turned my alarm off and went back to sleep but for the most part once I get up and turn the light on I usually am good to go.

    I'm not a morning person and 4:45 is awfully early but if you want it bad enough....
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    If you think you might want to start morning workouts, I always found it easier to start a new habit like that in the spring when the sun is already up. It's so much harder to ge out of bed in the dark! When you're up with the sun all summer it's much easier to get up on your own when it starts to be darker in the am.
    Maybe its just me, but I've actually found the "Spring Forward" time change to be the toughest one when it comes to getting up earlier. I've been doing the AM workout thing for over 5 years, and the April time change is usually the hardest adjustment because you lose that hour of sleep time...
  • MoLove2025
    MoLove2025 Posts: 135 Member
    If i dont wake up and workout immediatly.....i slowly talk my way out of working out of it by the end of the day.
    I also have more energy in the morning...and i dont like working out with food on my stomach so if i workout in the morning i dont have to worry about having food on my stomach while i workout. Within 30 minutes after working out i am eating and i dont stop until the evening. (every 2-3 hours).

    AM workouts also let me know how much i can eat for the day.....depending on how hard i pushed myself. I can spread that food throughout the day instead of having evening workouts and realizing that you have seriously under eaten for the amount you burned that day.

    Getting out of the bed is another story i never want to wake up....so once i am up...usually cause i have to use the bathroom i just put on the workout clothes and get to it!!!
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    question - for those of you who are up at 4.30/5am - what time do you go to sleep?
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    I just recently started working out in the morning before I have to leave for my first class. I set my alarm for 6:30 and when it goes off I get up if I want to or not, because I know I will feel 100 times better when it's done, and I'll have the energy to make it through my boring lectures :smile: Good luck! It feels awesome to have your workout done before your day even starts!!
  • EJsMummy26
    EJsMummy26 Posts: 101 Member
    I set my alarm, snooze it once and then tell myself, "You can stay in bed and stay fat, or You can get Your *kitten* up and change that..."

    I love the "Stay in Bed, Stay Fat."

    Thanks for all the motivation! I'm on it tomorrow AM.
  • slbauer63
    slbauer63 Posts: 92 Member
    question - for those of you who are up at 4.30/5am - what time do you go to sleep?

    I try to be in bed by 11PM at the latest. However, I have gone to bed at midnight and still gotten up at 5AM to workout. Going to bed at 10PM is the best since I get my 7 hours of sleep in but I am more of a night person.