loosing weight on holidays - really?

nimue139 Posts: 11 Member
As I mentioned in a previous post, I rewarded myself with a vacation for reaching my halfway weight loss goal, which I just returned from.
2 weeks all inclusive, all you can eat holiday in Cuba. Naturally I was apprehensive about the possibility of gaining all my weight back fast, but to my surprise I lost 3.5 lb. in those 2 weeks and it was so easy!
Admittedly, the food was nothing special really, but the fish was always delicious. I was never hungry. Chocolate is rather rare in Cuba and was never served, and would you believe it, I did not suffer from a single craving.
There were always plenty of salads and fresh, fully ripe tropical fruits (not half green the way we get them in Canada) which were very sweet and juicy – a concern because of the extra sugar content. Also I indulged in alcoholic drinks all the time, which I do not do at home. The Cubans make the Pina Coladas very sweet and to die for! The Cuba Libres are lots of Cuba(rum) and very little Libre(coke). All the other drinks had lots of sugar and sweet liquors in it – I tried them all – so delicious.
There were restaurants and snack bars all over the resort, so food was available almost around the clock, but it seemed my need for food was secondary and overeating did not seem a problem.
There was also lots of swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving and walking involved.
My clothes seemed very loose on me, which I attributed to the fact that I did not wear them since the summer.
Naturally I was very concerned when I returned.
Imagine my surprise when I got home and stepped on the scale the next morning. I expected a weight gain of at least a couple of pounds, which I vowed to work very hard on to lose quickly.
Well the verdict is: I weigh less than 150 lbs. – my lowest weight since before the birth of my 20 year old son. :noway:
I am as happy as a pig in s**t.
Hurrayyyyy! How’s that for a success story?


  • Pamela259
    Pamela259 Posts: 74 Member
    well done! a nice surprise..
  • icklecyberfairy
    icklecyberfairy Posts: 56 Member
    Yay! Congrats.

    i went to India in Decemeber las year and i lost 1kg in 3weeks, which was surprising because i was drinking plenty of alcohol and indian food is not known for being kind to one's waistline. But now i home visiting family in the UK (i live in asia) and i can say that i expect to put on a little but hopefully not too much.

    Edit: i suspect we are all a little more active on holiday too.
  • nimue139
    nimue139 Posts: 11 Member
    well it looks like people are much more active at holidays, exploring, vacation activities and such. That probably helps a lot.
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Yay - that is always an awesome surprise - well done! :happy:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    that's great to hear. i went on a all inclusive over new years and still put on 3lbs. it came off in 3 days after being home, i still tried so hard to eat well, not over eat or nibble, i went to the gym 5 out of 10 days and still got min 40-45 min cardio in, drank only in the evening with dinner, and drank ice water during the day and i still gained 3lbs... we are off again in 1 month and i will do the same...hopefully no more then 3lbs again and would love it if i would just maintain but it is what it is, i will just have to work hard to get it off what ever i put on.
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