Joined January 24, 2012 and need HELP

As stated I joined this site (after losing about 30 pounds starting back in October 2011). I have not lost anything. Maybe a pound or 2, but i keep wavering back and forth and not having any substantial weight loss. I have hit this wall the last almost THREE months. I need HELP. Advice. Anything. I am getting so discouraged. According to MFP I SHOULD be losing weight...but IM NOT!!!


  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    I wanted to add that I am in the gym an average of 6 days a week from 45 minutes to an hour and half. I go over on my calories on some days, but not all that much. I should be seeing SOME movement.
  • lukin128
    I can understand your frustration but don't let it get you down.
    I only looked through the last couple of days in your diary so this may not apply but it looks like you're taking in a whole load of sodium and your water count is really low at 3 glasses a day.

    Try drinking lots more water, more than twice what you're drinking now, to even out the sodium intake because you might be retaining lots of water.
  • lukin128
    Also, I know this goes against what everyone else always says but why not go for a while trying NOT to eat back your exercise calories and see if that has any effect.
    You might just need to kick start your metabolism again
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    If I Dont eat my exercise calories I am STARVING. Ugh. I hate this. It seems as though I bust my tail at the gym, am pretty good calorie wise...and NOTHING. the first 30 pounds fell im stuck. since before Christmas.
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I can see why you are frustrated. Are you doing the same thing at the gym when you go? How about trying a different routine to shake things up a bit?
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    Yes. Sadly I am a creature of habit. So I tend to stick to the same stuff. I do the ARC machine for 30 minutes. Then treadmill. I just started heavy lifting this past week seeing if that will help. I do the ab roller, crunches, jumping jax.
  • fifrocks
    change what you are doing at the gym. You muscles get used to doing one thing and get better at it so you aren't burning what you used to doing the exact same thing. Also, throw in some weights if you aren't already.
  • lukin128
    Also, you might be swapping fat for muscle. Are you taking measurements of yourself regularly to see if there is a difference there, or do your clothes fit better?
  • PuliGT
    PuliGT Posts: 10
    Are you taking measurements in addition to tracking weight? Could be that you are losing fat and gaining muscle.

    What do you have MFP set to (.5/1/2 lbs a week)?
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    Yes. I take measurements and I havent seen much of inches lost the the last 2 months. So I dont know WHAT IS GOING ON.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    I'm on a three-month plateau, too. Here's a few things that have helped me in the past. Try increasing your calories (i.e. make your goal less per week). If you're exercising that intensely & often, you need more than 1200 per day. Also, when I took a week off of exercising, I actually lost weight. that way. Sometimes you can also spike your calories or zig-zag (hi/low days interchanged), and this mixes it up. Your metabolism evens out, and you have to switch things up to get your body guessing again. I'm going to try eating at maintenance for a week or so, then go back on a deficit to shake it up. Hang in there. I completely understand how frustrating it is. Previous poster is right about sodium, too. Try to have no more than 2,000/day. Cut out processed foods, up your water, drink green tea. Up your protein. Any/all of these should help.
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    I have MFP set to 2 pounds a week weight loss. So I am given 1200 calories a day.
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    Yes. Sadly I am a creature of habit. So I tend to stick to the same stuff. I do the ARC machine for 30 minutes. Then treadmill. I just started heavy lifting this past week seeing if that will help. I do the ab roller, crunches, jumping jax.

    How about a different types of cardio, like an eliptical or something else different?
  • lukin128
    Seriously though, try and up your water intake whenever you can - it might even help when you say you feel starving too as quite often a good, large glass of water can fill you up. Sodium is a huge cause of water retention and therefore weight gain. Try the ten minute thing where you feel hungry so you have a drink, then wait ten-twenty mins, if you still feel hungry then eat something but give the water a chance to work.
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    You think something as simple as just switching a machine will help?? Should I do both strength training and cardio each and every day (strength, roated of course). Am I not putting in enough work at the gym? I wear my HRM and I burn between 400-1000 calories when I go depending on what I am doing that day.
  • PuliGT
    PuliGT Posts: 10
    I have MFP set to 2 pounds a week weight loss. So I am given 1200 calories a day.

    I'm pretty sure that MFP will never recommend less that 1200. What does MFP say is your BMR?
  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    How are your measurements doing? I know sometimes when I'm working out a lot and building muscle my weight won't change, but the measuring tape (and my clothes) show a difference.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    I have MFP set to 2 pounds a week weight loss. So I am given 1200 calories a day.

    Switch it to 1 lb per week, and give that a shot. You will have more base calories, you shouldn't feel like you're starving, then you can try only eating a portion of exercise calories back. I'd never be able to survive on 1200 per day, either! You shouldn't have to constantly feel hungry!
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Honestly, I think you should just switch up your routine. Maybe try taking a break from working out for a couple of days. I've read a lot of threads where people have had a lot of success at spiking their calories for a few days, and their body gets back on track.

    Either way, I believe that you just need to change what you do for a small period of time. Maybe try an aerobics class or the elliptical instead of the treadmill. It'll shake your muscle memory up. :) Good luck!
  • PuliGT
    PuliGT Posts: 10
    You think something as simple as just switching a machine will help?? Should I do both strength training and cardio each and every day (strength, roated of course). Am I not putting in enough work at the gym? I wear my HRM and I burn between 400-1000 calories when I go depending on what I am doing that day.

    Cardio is great for your health, but Strength training will be better for losing fat. Most people recommend 2-3 days of ST in addition to doing cardio. (You may only want to do full cardio on the days you aren't doing ST, I'm just starting out so still a lot for me to learn)