Discouraged - I don't know what I am doing wrong! :(

I am feeling really discouraged and frustrated. Since the end of December I have lost only 5 lbs and am really disappointed at my slow weight loss!! Last week I hit the gym 5 days, worked hard, ate between 1400 – 1700 calories (netting between 900 and 1200 cal, so I ate back very few of my exercise calories ), ended up gaining a pound and in was in tears! That was my attempt to switch things up to get better results!! Before that I worked out 3-5 days a week ate 1400 calories, eating back about ½ my exercise calories as I think MFP tends to over estimates calories burned when exercising (netting at least 1200 cal) and had weeks where I lost a 1 or 2lbs, lost nothing or even gained!! Nothing I do is even remotely consistent!! I have been at this for two months and I don’t want to give up, but it so disheartening when you pour so much time and energy into weight loss and get such poor results. I thought if I ate healthy, ate less and exercised more I would be able to lose about a pound a week and that is NOT happening. I need help and just don’t know what to do from this point.

I am 5’8’’ and currently weight 166lbs and my goal is to be between 145lbs – 150lbs.

Thanks everyone!


  • SaundraU
    I had the same problem a few weeks ago. First I found I had to eat more of the exercise calories or I was starving my body, also talked to some others and they say there will be some ups and downs in the weight loss department. I increased the length of my workout a bit more and worked on cramming more into the workout. It has worked. I have dropped another 2 lbs since. Hang in there - it will get better. We are here to support each other.

    Are you making sure to eat breakfast - that was a big one for me.

    Are you snacking in between to keep your energy levels up - healthy snacking of course?
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    you sound a lot like me, I'm not consistent either. I bet if you took measurements you have probably lost inches, i have and thats what I'm after. Five pounds since the end of December is not so bad. Slow and steady wins the race! I know it would be so much easier if the pounds just flew off but i don't think thats a good idea. i find that i have to have rest days or i don't lose as well, and i think you're right about eating half of your exercise cal's too. i eat half or a bit less. I have a 'cheat' day once a week that probably slows my progress too but i'd rather meet my goals with a little sanity left! Also i quit weight myself so much, only once a week is so much better.
    I think you just have to be patient, when you're doing this right it takes time. you are building muscle which is going to torch the fat! Just stick with it, try to focus on the positives, i bet you feel so much better than you did. Good luck!
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    MFP does really overestimate burned calories. I had gotten a heart rate monitor that estimates more closely. Sorry I can't be too much help, other than to say just stick with it :)
  • Drfood53
    Five Pounds is a lot!!!! Hang in there......in another two months you would have lost 10 pounds.....permanently! THAT'S THE KEY....PERMANENT!

  • SaundraU
    Also do you have a exercise buddy.....that might help. I take the dog everyday for an hour long (minimum) walk. He keeps me going. He needs the walk and if I don't do it no one will. I take music on my phone and use endomondo to track my calories, distance, lap times, and GPS our walk path. I change the route daily so we don't get board. I start the day this way, we get 1 day off a week (he gets alternate exercise this day). I look for challenges each day to keep it fresh too.I share our adventure at work, on facebook, and with my husband - all of them then give me further support to keep going.
  • dinudelman
    Stay positive! You've lost 5 pounds in 2 months. That's progress, in fact you'll lose 30 pounds in a year even at that 'slow' pace. It's also likely that you'll keep the weight off if you lose more slowly... and eating healthy and exercising has a lot more benefits than "just" weight loss. Just keep a long-term view and don't give up. Swimsuit season is still quite a ways off!
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    I am feeling really discouraged and frustrated. Since the end of December I have lost only 5 lbs and am really disappointed at my slow weight loss!! Last week I hit the gym 5 days, worked hard, ate between 1400 – 1700 calories (netting between 900 and 1200 cal, so I ate back very few of my exercise calories ), ended up gaining a pound and in was in tears! That was my attempt to switch things up to get better results!! Before that I worked out 3-5 days a week ate 1400 calories, eating back about ½ my exercise calories as I think MFP tends to over estimates calories burned when exercising (netting at least 1200 cal) and had weeks where I lost a 1 or 2lbs, lost nothing or even gained!! Nothing I do is even remotely consistent!! I have been at this for two months and I don’t want to give up, but it so disheartening when you pour so much time and energy into weight loss and get such poor results. I thought if I ate healthy, ate less and exercised more I would be able to lose about a pound a week and that is NOT happening. I need help and just don’t know what to do from this point.

    I am 5’8’’ and currently weight 166lbs and my goal is to be between 145lbs – 150lbs.
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    stay with it i went thru the same thing and it WAS very discouraging so this is what i found out. still not sure about eating all my calories back so i eat about 1/2 of them i've been on here for 40 days and lost 7lb but at first i gained 3 lb thanks to d coke (i am no soda free 38 days) then it was a few 1/2 ounces this wasn't going good and i made a cry of help justl like you!!

    the encouragement on MFP is fantastic i also joined challenges i took last week off of exercise just to see what would happen with my diet and iron that out alone first.. MY BIGGEST SUCCESS somebody suggested i drink half y weight in water and then 1 cup for every 15min of exercise i currently am drinking 128 ounces i add cinnamom extract to my water or peppermint extract it took awhile to get used to but i feel great and the weight even though it is still slow it is coming off in lbs now not ounces!! befriend me if you like
    i am 51yr old female and i also have the menopausal syndrome which makes losing a bit harder.... just stick with it
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    1. Measure your food religiously...don't eyeball until you are a pro.
    2. Measure your burns religiously and accurately...invest in a heart rate monitor
    3. Drink lots of water and/or tea. Fills you up, flushes out sodium, and is good for you
    4. Mix in strength training and cardio and mix it up. Variety is key
    5. Log consistently...I noticed that your diary is blank until this past Friday
    6. Eat back your exercise calories...if you are measuring accurately, you should be within 100 calories
    7. Consider setting up your macros to around 40% Protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat or thereabouts.
    8. Stick with it!
  • nikkisa10
    nikkisa10 Posts: 31 Member
    I agree w/ stewpodasso
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Agree with the 8 points above.

    I am no expert but looking at your diary I noticed that your carbs are high and protein is low on some days. Try reversing that and see where that gets you. Also, watch processed/fast foods. The sodium makes you retain water which makes it look like you don't lose.

    Read this article -- http://www.thewalkingsite.com/thr.html. With exercise you get those most benefit for your time in the first 3 zones. Remember that means you should be able to carry on a conversation. The old no pain no gain is really not the best way to burn fat.
  • NINAjustdoit
    NINAjustdoit Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I may invest in a heart rate monitor. When I exercise I REALLY give it my all, my husband suggested maybe it's too much and I end up in a zone beyond fat burn. I need the read the above article ... thanks!
  • gooiyw
    gooiyw Posts: 114 Member
    Have you tried measuring if you've lost say inches off your waist etc? Are your clothes loser? You may be building muscle in place of fat loss, which would explain the lack of weight loss/ even weight gain.
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    So glad I read this post!! I've been feeling so discouraged lately too. I feel very much like NINAjustdoit. I've also just been working hard at the gym and trying to eat only my allotted calories and have been in a plateau. I feel better after reading this. :heart: