couch 2 5k question...

So I have been working through the couch to 5k program and it has been going great so far... I am on Week 4 Day 2. My issue is that during the 5 minute run section of this week, I keep getting these KILLER side aches. Like have to stop running side aches. I have tried a couple of things like increasing my iron, drinking more water, not eating before, eating high carbs before, and I cannot seem to get anything to work! I really want to move on to week 5, but I don't want to push my body if it's saying slow down...
Any suggestions? Thanks for the help :)


  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I get the side cramps a lot when I do the c25k program. Actually, ever since I can remember, even in Gym class in school, I always would get side cramps. I guess I've just learned to live with them. I've personally repeated the same week (week one... yes, I'm SLOW at this!) for the past ......... months...... but then again, I've had to restart the program a few times because of foot pain keeping me from working out.

    If anyone really has a cure all for the side pains, I'd LOVE to know what that would be, as well!
  • jeccalou
    jeccalou Posts: 92 Member
    My hubby did c25k twice and he said that if you get to a week that you can't complete that you are supposed to repeat it. So stay on that week until you work through it, them move on. The program may be progressing a bit faster than your body. I think side stiches are usually caused by bad breathing techniques. So research that too.
  • jhunt90
    What helps me is doing stretches before hand. One that I do is this
    For 25-30 seconds on each side. I hope it helps you because it really helped me!
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    i get those! thats why i stopped running (then i found out on top of it i have bad knees lol) i dont know if this will help but it helped me... i was told at one point by someone i trust that it was because i leaned forward a lot more than i should and my breathing was bad (i believe partially because of my bad posture if i remember right) i did run a few times after that and it seemed to be working... but ultimately stopped. i did do day 1 level 1 of c25k the other day and think i might try it as long as my knees will let me. :-)
  • shopewell70
    shopewell70 Posts: 125 Member
    I experienced side stitches for the first time last week (Week 5). Thank fully they werent so severe that I had to stop. I couldnt figure out why I was getting them, then it hit me, I wasnt breathing like I normally had been. I had added some new music to my playlist and had been mouthing the words instead of breathing. So, Friday I went back to concentrating on my breathing from start to finish and didnt have one stitch. If you search the forums for "side stitches" you should be able to find more info. Good luck on your C25K program !!!!! You can work through this and reach your goals !!!!!!
  • pigwidgeon82
    pigwidgeon82 Posts: 79 Member
    i usually only get cramping if i eat or drink within 30 minutes of going on a run. so i try not to eat or drink within the hour before the run. if i do get them, i slow down, and that seems to help.

    maybe try those things. if you can't stop with the cramping, i'd repeat a few days until it's under control and then move on.

    good luck!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Sounds like you hit the wall. You have to push though it, its going to hurt. After you will find that you can run at a whole new level.

  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I have not gotten these cramps with this program, but I used to get these badly when I was younger. I don't know what the difference is now, but I have also not gotten shinsplints this go around, which plagued me in my youth.
    I suspect that it is because the C25k program take it slowly enough, whereas when I was young it was all-out or nothing.
    That said, when I was unable to finish one of these days to my satisfaction, or if I had to miss too many days for some reason, I didn't hesitate to back up a day, or even a week, to re-start my progress.
    I'm done with it now, and I'm just working on my pace now.
    Good luck.
  • nikkibyrdRN
    nikkibyrdRN Posts: 37 Member
    I would suggest slowing your running down. Even if you think you are already slow, slow it down more and focus on your breathing! Make sure you are getting a full breath in and a full breath out. :)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I focus on exhaling and it usually goes away. I also press on the area that hurts.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Take some deep belly breaths and gently PUSH in the area that hurts with your fingers. Slow right down to a gentle jog, focus on breathing. They will go away.
    Try not to eat anything directly before your workout (an hour to an hour and a half before is fine) and dont drink carbonated drinks.
    Stitches are horrible, I did W4D2 yesterday and I got two.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I feel your pain, Kelly...those things are just awful! It seems like there are a few of us who had this problem when we were younger and now that we've aged gracefully it's not an issues anymore. I know that doesn't help at all now. For me, the week 4-5 area was the hardest to get through. Definitely repeat a day/week anytime you need to. I did, and it really does make a difference.

    If you try thesuggestions people have given and find something that does the trick, could you please post and give us an update? Even though they haven't been a problem for me I worry that when I try to move to longer runs/distances they may come back to haunt me! I haven't really run since summer, and I plan to get back to the program within the next month as the weather stays nicer ~ best of luck to you!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I get them as well. If I slow down my jog anymore, I will be at a fast walk. I can walk at 4.0. I am checking out the stretches, and I have found if I lip sing to music I can last longer before they start. Maybe I am breathing too fast. I have tried breathing in for 4 steps and out for 4 steps, but that makes me dizzy. I think I might have to live with them.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I focus on exhaling and it usually goes away. I also press on the area that hurts.

    it's a stitch and the above post is the bast way to deal with it once you have it.

    There are many running stories that focus upon how to prevent stitches but increasing you fitness is the most common theme. So, in time you will get them less. In the meantime avoid eating a lot before a run, break into your run gently, focus on a nice regular breath and you may prevent them.

    I've heard someone say that low potassium levels can increase likelihood of stitches but I've never seen anything more than anecdotes. But, bananas are a good source of potassium.

    Stick with it though because the C25K is a great program and you will get through this stitch issue.

    Best wishes.