Your loose skin and a fat mentality

Hey guys, there's really 2 questions here but they are somewhat related as if you've got one you'll know about the other!

I've read lots about loose skin, I have loose skin, I've lost 50 pounds in 6 months, and am wondering how long it took you personally to both lose your weight and lose your skin, if at all

Also, how long did it take you to stop feeling fat in your head? I struggle with this, I'm in the healthy weight range but I think in my head I'm still the fat girl I was 50 pounds ago, how long did it take you to believe you looked good, and not have to tell yourself you really have changed? Dont get me wrong I'm not completely deluded, I know I look better, I know I look pretty good, but I think the loose skin could be part of the reason I still feel fat, or is it just because I've been putting myself down for so long?


  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hey there. Congrats on your weight loss.

    For me I lost 111 pounds one year to the day after I started MFP. Skin has improved but and this is a big but, I don't think it will ever be completely the same. I spent a lot of years being obese and I've had 4 children via 4 c-sections. I think my skin will continue to improve somewhat but won't be like that of a 21 year old. As for feeling fat. Yes, I still feel like I'm fat and I pick myself apart too much. I think it takes a while for the brain to catch up with the body. I feel better about myself in clothes and think I look "ok." But without clothes, I see the after effects. I just remind myself that I'm healthy, I'm strong and I'm fit. I'm out of the woods with health in regard with my weight.

    Here's a picture so you can see where I was and where I am now.

  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Wow! Well done!

    I get you with the clothes off thing, I look ok with clothes on but with them off I can see all the damage, would love to look good clothes off too, or learn to love myself however I look

    I find it hard when I exercise too, I can see my belly skin hanging when I do planks etc, hopefully it gets less and less as time goes on
  • I think your hot Bel. ; ) Your my insperation. I have only realy known you preggers and after so I can't compare you now to before but I know that I never sore you a fat. Just as Eddie's mum LOL and Archie of course.
    I have always wondered how people got to be really big from small without stopping along the way. I know now that it is because people tell you what you want to hear. "your not fat" or "Why are you on a diet?" coz I hear that and I thought the same of you. "why is she on a diet she inst that big"
    I think you need to retrain your brain to see what is there not what you think is there. A hot mummy. You won't look like you did before because your a mum now, he gave you extra skin. LOL
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Awwww thanks shell, its weird for me cos right now I'm smaller than I have been in over 10 years, so I lost the baby weight and then some, but yeah as you said my body is so different, the stretch marks dont worry me so much, but I could do without the loose skin!
  • I've known you before and after pregnancy and I'm now gonna say..... GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK!
    You are amazing! You look fantastic and have inspired so many people in your circle of friends to look at their eating habits and lifestyles, me being one.
    I know you don't like the skin.... but there will always be something we don't like about ourselves. As keeponkickin said.... you need to focus on the fact that you are now healthy, strong and fit. You now have the energy to enjoy playing with Archie as he grows xo
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Thanks chicky :) That's one thing I'm proud of, all my beautiful friends getting into it and getting themselves healthy too, and everyone feeling great!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Hey there. Congrats on your weight loss.

    For me I lost 111 pounds one year to the day after I started MFP. Skin has improved but and this is a big but, I don't think it will ever be completely the same. I spent a lot of years being obese and I've had 4 children via 4 c-sections. I think my skin will continue to improve somewhat but won't be like that of a 21 year old. As for feeling fat. Yes, I still feel like I'm fat and I pick myself apart too much. I think it takes a while for the brain to catch up with the body. I feel better about myself in clothes and think I look "ok." But without clothes, I see the after effects. I just remind myself that I'm healthy, I'm strong and I'm fit. I'm out of the woods with health in regard with my weight.

    Here's a picture so you can see where I was and where I am now.

    You look amazing.

    Shmunster judging from your profile picture, you absolutely have nothing to worry about. You look great. You can wear shorts and sleeve less shirts? I know many women that dont have that luxury. Enjoy you weightloss.
  • Well if any one has ideas to loose it I'm all ears. My belly has extra skin and I'm still fat. LOL my Tattoo is a very odd shape, looks like a squashed something now not a scorpion.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Lol shell I'm using rose hip oil as a friend swears by it, I figure it can't hurt

    Callme, I do wear sleeveless tips and shorts but on the weekend I was mucking around saying now I've got guns and I flexed my arm. Someone I know (won't call them a friend) grabbed under my arm which is still quite wobbly and said "what about this?" but I guess some people just don't realise how what they say can hurt
  • emmalecras
    emmalecras Posts: 79 Member
    Bel, don't worry about that particular person. She is not worth it.

    You are looking brilliant and a bit of loose skin is nothing. I know you stress about it but we don't see it at all.