Trying To Get Started... Need Support

Hello there!!! My name is Emily! I am 20 years old and have a beautiful 3 month old daughter named Emma! She is my world. With Emma I had a c-section and now, I am completely and totally disgusted with my body. I was anywhere between 170 and 180 before I got pregnant, which is still bad, but I wasn't as bad as I am now. I currently weigh 195lbs. I want to be able to get down to 140 or 150. I want my daughter to be able to grow up healthy. In order for her to do that, I need to be a positive role model for her. Right now, my main problems are eating wayyy too much for absolutely no reason and not having the motivation to work out. I want to try zumba really bad, but I'm not sure how good I would do on it. So... today is Day 1!!!! Wish me luck, and any incouraging words are appreciated! Thanks y'all!!!


  • coll75
    coll75 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Emily,
    I have found that the hardest thing is to stay on track with food. It is hard . but you will see results if you do and there is no better feeling than seeing that number go down. when you go food shoppping stock up on quick , easy veg. and 100 cal. snacks ! It will help when your hungry , but know you shouldn't have another meal ! Good Luck !!
  • MsCie
    MsCie Posts: 4
    Good luck, it is a challenge at first, but after that first pound drops, you get super motivated!
  • emilyfaith11
    emilyfaith11 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks y'all!!! Right now I'm living with my mom... Which makes it soooooooooo hard! She cooks the best home cooked meals. She would cook healthier things, but the rest of the family won't eat it, and I would rather not deal with fighting them over what to eat. So, I guess what I'm going to have to do is eat really small portions of my moms food, or buy myself a little bit of healthy food to keep around the house.
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    C-sections really do some damage to our bodies! I've had 3 of them and i just hate my stomach! i'm at the same weight as you and trying to get down to 160 at least! my baby girl (3rd and final baby) is almost a year old so it's been a struggle...hopefully we will both hit our goals very soon!
  • Take the leap and try Zumba it's so much fun. Most instructors ask if anyone is new and then show the newcomers a few basics. And If you don't like your first class I would recommend trying others cuz the instructor makes the class just have to find one you like. Zumba is a blast and nobody cares what anyone looks like doing it.
  • Stick with it!... The food diary keeps me engaged.... I scan everything and when 3pm rolls around and I only have 100 cals left to eat... I'm like " holy crap... I better do some sort of exercise or I wont be eating dinner!!"....I'm hooked... Good luck
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    Have the confidence to try Zumba REGARDLESS of whether you think you will be good at it. It's challenging but fun! I can't do half the moves correctly or as sexy as the instructor...but, who cares if I am getting a workout? As a matter of fact, I have been known to make up my own moves when I just can't do what the instructor is doing - as long as I am burning calories I am accomplishing my goal. Anyway, lots of people struggle with Zumba - I say "do it anyway and have fun with it!"
  • alliRN
    alliRN Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Emily! Way to go just starting! It is hard being in a house with other people who may not want to eat healthy but your idea on portion control will definitely help. When I started all this two months ago, I decided I wasn't going to keep myself from eating certain foods, just keep my portions smaller. Just make sure each meal gives you protein and/or fiber and you'll stay full longer. Also, get yourself some healthy snacks for between meals and you won't eat as much during meal times. And make sure to try Zumba! :) Just having an interest in an exercise is a great motivator to getting yourself to work out. Plus, you get to eat more calories if you've burned them off. Good luck and stick with'll love the results! - Renee