
  • How did this start as a tradition? What is the point of it? I don't mean that in a rude way... just what is the meaning? Also, I may have gotten the religions mixed up... sorry.

    I am so intrigued haha.

    Its an old tradition, people would use up what was left over in there larders ready for fasting. (thats about as much as I know hehe)
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I am so having pancakes for dinner tonight :)
  • swellen
    swellen Posts: 78 Member
    How did this start as a tradition? What is the point of it? I don't mean that in a rude way... just what is the meaning? Also, I may have gotten the religions mixed up... sorry.

    I am so intrigued haha.

    Its an old tradition, people would use up what was left over in there larders ready for fasting. (thats about as much as I know hehe)
    It's the day before Lent, where people would traditionally fast from certain foods for 40 days, so it was a way of using up all your sugar, milk, flour and eggs before Lent.
  • How did this start as a tradition? What is the point of it? I don't mean that in a rude way... just what is the meaning? Also, I may have gotten the religions mixed up... sorry.

    I am so intrigued haha.

    I think the tradition is that pancakes are an easy way to use up the last of your eggs, flour and butter before the lent fasting begins on Ash Wednesday. I am not even slightly religious but bring on the pancakes anyway.
  • I prefer the Scotch Pancakes - never understood the attraction to traditional full of fat, feel those arteries getting harder pancakes with Jiff Lemon squirted all over them ;) But enjoy yours if you're having some. Haven't seen a jiff lemon ad on the tv this year either!!
    Well that was horribly confusing for a minute there... because here in Australia, Jif Lemon is a cleaning product for the bathroom. You really DON'T want it on your pancakes!

    we used to have 2 Jif (cleaning cream, now called Cif) and Jiff lemon juice LOL - I never understood why the changed the name of Jif to Cif? *mind boggles* But yes you don;t want that on your pancakes haha
  • How did this start as a tradition? What is the point of it? I don't mean that in a rude way... just what is the meaning? Also, I may have gotten the religions mixed up... sorry.

    I am so intrigued haha.

    Traditionally it was the last day to use up all the 'rich' foods - so flour eggs milk and fats before the fasting period of lent. It was done to signify that we mortals could also sacrifice certain comforts (those food stuffs being 'rich' in price too) during Lent, which is symbolic of the fourty days of fasting Christ did in the dessert before he took up his ministry. It's believed to be where he encountered his last temptations from the devil.
  • Oh and I'm not religious, I just know lots of really random things :)
  • Normally I'm a lemon n sugar girl, plus I try to eat my own body weight in pancakes on shrove Tuesday... I've bought in strawberries and some low cal ice-cream as a treat and im going to limit myself to 2 :cry:
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I was wondering what to fix for dinner tonight....:huh:
    now I know....

  • drift
    drift Posts: 143 Member
    Re jif / cif name change I think it's because unilever have large markets in Spanish speaking countries where very few words start with "ji", making jif very difficult to pronounce.
  • F1uffy2
    F1uffy2 Posts: 84 Member
    I am looking forward to pancakes tonight, but does anyone know how many calories there are in a typical pancake?
    The pancakes I made came out at 69 cals each.
    112g plain flour
    210ml of skimmed milk
    90ml water
    2 eggs
    made 9 and cooked each one with 2 sprays of sunflower fry light (the calories include the frylight)

    Can I ask how big these come out? I usually use an 8" pan.
  • F1uffy2
    F1uffy2 Posts: 84 Member
    Sooo excited. One of my favourite days of the year. I can't decide between syrup, chocolate drops and fresh orange, sugar and butter, bananas and honey, lemon and sugar or all of the above in a mammoth one! Hubby is going for savoury (what a saint). But the kids and I are taking the devils route!
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I am looking forward to pancakes tonight, but does anyone know how many calories there are in a typical pancake?
    The pancakes I made came out at 69 cals each.
    112g plain flour
    210ml of skimmed milk
    90ml water
    2 eggs
    made 9 and cooked each one with 2 sprays of sunflower fry light (the calories include the frylight)

    I love you for this. Assume you just whack it all in together?
  • Mmmm Pankcake day! - Definatley having these for dinner. Watch the calorie intake all day :)
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    None today for us.

    Been making alot different, healthier versions last week for breakfast anyways.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    golden syrup on mine... :)

    With you on this one. Going to try and save some cals so I can treat myself later
  • VictoriaSnape
    VictoriaSnape Posts: 58 Member
    i have no idea what is a Pancake day. (i do now. thank you Google).

    However we have a thing called Pust here.

    The tradition is that the Kurenti (the yellow fluffy costums) are announcing the end of winter (with their bells they are trying to chase the winter away) and basically greeting the spring that is coming. So everyone puts on masks (simmilar to what American do for Halloween) and kids usualy go from door to door where they are asking for money and doughnuts.

    Clip with Kurenti : and

    Slovenian doughnuts. Usually we put peach marmelade in the centre (or vanilla cream/chocolate/blueberry cream - the marmelade is traditional tho).


    More on Kurentovanje:

    More on Pustni carnival:
  • I'm not that keen on them :noway: Would rather have a Yorkshire pudding lol

    You and me both!!!
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    I am looking forward to pancakes tonight, but does anyone know how many calories there are in a typical pancake?
    The pancakes I made came out at 69 cals each.
    112g plain flour
    210ml of skimmed milk
    90ml water
    2 eggs
    made 9 and cooked each one with 2 sprays of sunflower fry light (the calories include the frylight)

    I love you for this. Assume you just whack it all in together?

    i make with wholemeal self raising. Only egg whites.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    How did this start as a tradition? What is the point of it? I don't mean that in a rude way... just what is the meaning? Also, I may have gotten the religions mixed up... sorry.

    I am so intrigued haha.

    Its an old tradition, people would use up what was left over in there larders ready for fasting. (thats about as much as I know hehe)

    Yeh, that's why it was started. I'm not religious, but its a tradition I'll happily follow :0)