Ok I feel really low today.

I just took my measurements for the first time. I know what I am now and I know what I would need to be to fit into the wedding dress I love and I honestly have no idea if its even possible :(

My current measurements are 46"-43"-53" and my dress would need me to be 40"-32"-42" - how long realistically would you expect it to take to change your shape like this? in terms of weight what would you think you would need to lose? I am currently 5'6 and 231lbs

I am trying to eat better (less processed and junk!) and walk more but if anyone can give me some advice I would be grateful. I don't have access to a gym but I have a rowing machine, handweights, a step and a sit up rocker thing along with lots of fitness dvds and zumba wii.

It all just feels a bit much today :(


  • sjr240
    sjr240 Posts: 30 Member
    Hang in there, you'll do great. I find that my main issues are avoiding carbs (like breads and beer!) and working out. The elliptical machine and some basic weights work best for me, but use what you have and can stick to. I don't know much about the timing for women's measurement reductions, but I believe losing a pound or two a week is very realistic. Keep up the good weight loss!!

  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I'm confused. You say you are 131 and your picture reflects that but your ticker has a totally different number.

    Personally I can't imagine you are going to get much thinner for your height. You could tone and work some muscle definition but I'm not sure that you can change it that much. I admit though that I don't know much about the measurement side of things. Hopefully someone else will chime in.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I think as you're losing weight to fit into a dress, you should be worrying about the inches more than your weight.
    Obviously if you're exercising you WILL lose weight but maybe not as much as you think you need to.
    Try Jillian's 30 Day Shred, girls here seem to lose a lot of inches on that dvd!
    Running tones your major muscle groups and is a good cardio exercise to burn fat, if you've never run before maybe try the C25K program. I am on week 4 day 3 of C25K and I couldn't even run a minute on the first day.

    As for a time-frame... No-one can predict that, as everyone is different. The most important thing is for you to get healthier and fitter. The body will come. The weight will come off.

    Maybe don't focus so much on fitting the dress, but on making a change in your life and to your body that will allow you to have a long, happy, healthy life with the man you love!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'm confused. You say you are 131 and your picture reflects that but your ticker has a totally different number.

    Personally I can't imagine you are going to get much thinner for your height. You could tone and work some muscle definition but I'm not sure that you can change it that much. I admit though that I don't know much about the measurement side of things. Hopefully someone else will chime in.

    Her post says 231
  • it was typo hun (or wishful thinking!!) I am 231 :(
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    When is the wedding hun??

    You CAN absolutely reduce your measurements by 10 to 12 inches, but you need some time.

    Try and walk every day, at least for 30 mins. Break that up into 3x10mins if you can't manage all in one. It wont seem so daunting either. If you can do rowing or step aerobics 4x per week, that would be groovy. Also some resistance workouts with your dumbells 2x per week. You can find workouts on youtube, or online in general.

    But more importantly, 80% of weight loss comes from eating right. So track your calories on here and you can lose 1 to 2lbs per week in a healthy and non-hungry way. Look at other diaries for ideas if you're struggling on what to eat. But in general, filling up on protein, fibre and vegetables is the way to go.

    Take tiny steps. Take each day at a time. And in now time you will be down in onederland (199lbs) and on your way to rocking that dress :bigsmile:
  • madlizzie69
    madlizzie69 Posts: 2 Member
    You poor thing,. My only words of advice are to give yourself small goals along the way and treat yourself to something like a new dress or make up (not a big sticky cake!!!). Stick to a low carb low fat diet and do whatever exercise you can, anything is better than nothing. I got married 6 years ago and weighed 67kg after watching what I eat and going to the gym 4 times a week - boy I was soooo toned! I now weigh 66kg but after two kids am a bit wobbly here and there so now I need to tone up again! Whatever happens, the guy your marrying loves you for YOU anyway. Good luck, keep us posted. :smile:
  • wedding is july 31st THIS YEAR!! we only decided to go for it in the new year. I know I have started but i just want to know I am doing the right things if you see what i mean and not wasting time on ineffective things.

    I hated breakfast so I have started having a protein shake (usn diet fuel). I have half a serving first thing and the other half mid morning with a banana which at the moment keeps me quite full (i used to snack like crazy during the day as I work from home and get bored)
    Then a tin of soup (going to start making my own but I have tins in the cupboard) and a side salad for lunch with a bit of tuna/chicken
    At dinnertime I am having the same as my family but on a smaller plate and trying to fill half the plate with steamed veg or salad before i dish up whatever I have made (tonight is meatballs)

    I have managed to cut my coca cola habit from 1litre a day to 500ml and going to give it up for lent completely to see whether I can.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    When I was working out 2 hours a day and being fairly restrictive of my diet, I lost 60 pounds in 5.5 months. It is possible, but it takes a lot of discipline. Start as soon as you can, and really go all out. Don't be so restrictive on the diet, though--that was my mistake, and I wasn't that healthy. Try to make the best choices you can (honestly, I lost about 12 pounds just from cutting out dairy, and that was AFTER I lost all of that weight). Everyone says diet is 80%, but I think exercise plays a bit more of a role than people might be saying. If you don't see significant losses within the next few months, though, I would consider at least getting the dress taken out in the event that you can't reach your goals (which I think you can!). Worst case scenario, you have to wear a bigger dress; best case, you have to have it taken in again. Good luck :)
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I didn't read the post you just made about eating, but it sounds like you're either eating too restrictively or you're not eating the right foods. Try to eat a bigger salad at lunch maybe, and eat all the veggies you can! I don't really like protein shakes unless I have them after working out--maybe try a raw fruits and veggie smoothie? Some of them can be quite delicious! Just get yourself a decent blender.
  • tkb1985
    tkb1985 Posts: 146 Member
    As someone else posted - 30 Day shred has some great results for inches! As for the weight, just be honest with what you eat and stay in your goal calories! I know it seems daunting right now, but you can DEFINATELY do this. I'm not sure you'll be able to get to exactly where you want to be before July, but you can at least be well on your way!

    Remember, it's much more about diet than exercise, so make your that you track all those calories, and watch your Fat and Sodium intakes too.

    Feel free to add me, I've really found that my friends on here have been the best motivation I could ask for!

    Good luck, and chin up!


    ETA - I switched to Coke Zero when I gave up regular coke, and i'm now down to 1 glass a day (2 at weekends most of the time) It has none of the calories, fat or sodium of regular, and after about a month on it, I've found that I now prefer it to regular too! When I have normal coke now the sugar sends me through the roof! Try it :)
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Hi Tasha, aww don't feel down, :flowerforyou: and try not to feel overwhelmed with what you want to do by your wedding. I am the same height & much the same weight as you (except I'm 60) and I have lost weight since I have been on this site without doing a lot of exercise, but I have been good with my calorie targets. So you being younger, and exercising more, you will lose weight if you record everything and be firm with yourself. MFP is great for opening yur eyes to what is in the food you consume.

    Make smaller goals - don't aim to do it all at once, maybe aim to lose 10% of your body weight by a reasonable date; then re-evaluate and chose another goal. Doing strength and fitness exercises will tone and tighten your body as well. Sounds like you have a good selection of home equipment and resources, you don't have to go to a gym. The measurements are a great idea, as they can really tell if you are losing and tightening :-)

    I would strongly suggest you give up the coke, or replace it with Coke Zero - drinkable calories just go down too easily, at least if you have to chew your calories and use a fork it slows you down :-) Drink water, it helps fill you up and is good for your skin & kidneys.

    Good luck for the 31st July - my daughter is getting married on the 31st August so that's my motivation :-)
  • I agree with the others that if you are very dedicated you can change your shape fairly drastically within a few months. Exercise, but throw some yoga stretching in there too to lengthen and tone your muscles without adding bulk.

    Also, if you want to wear a dress that is only available in a certain size, find a good seamstress with experience in wedding dress alterations to assess what might be done to adjust the fit. There are a lot of factors involved with dress fitting - type of fabric, style, wearing ease, and the like - but a good seamstress will know what can be done to a dress that improves the fit for you. If the dress has a long full skirt, and is sleeveless the only area where fit is an issue would be through the torso and perhaps the bust. Oh, and wear a body shaper on the big day! Miracles can happen with a body shaper!

    If you're like me, all the weight seems to come off the bust first and the hips last, so again, a full skirt on a dress is going to be very forgiving.

    Keep at it, and talk to a seamstress. I think you might find that it's going to be okay. :-)
  • You can DEFINITELY do it!! As everyone else has said, just go all out and stay focused on that end goal! x
  • thanks everyone for your replies so far.
  • AnnaMarie456
    AnnaMarie456 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't feel discouraged! We didn't put the weight on in one day and it will take more than a day to lose it. Do lots of weight training to increase you metabolism to make your body a fat burning furnace all day. Eats lots of protein...don't be so concerned about the number on the scale just notice the change in the way your clothes fit and your measurements. Obviously muscle weighs more than fat and its easy to feel down when you are weight training and you step on a scale.
  • yeah I want to lose weight ultimately for my health and to feel better but the dress is kind of me trying to prove that I can do something which seems impossible.. sounds insane when I write it down!!!
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    yeah I want to lose weight ultimately for my health and to feel better but the dress is kind of me trying to prove that I can do something which seems impossible.. sounds insane when I write it down!!!

    Take it (literally) a DAY at a time. I have over 75 lbs to lose. At my highest weight back in 2006 I was 225, somehow, with little effort (only now and then) I lost close to 30 lbs since then. Now I'm down even more and have lost 22 lbs since I have been actively making an effort. I have to take it a day at a time. Every other time I have failed, it's because I looked too far ahead and thought "I could never do this, it is impossible." But I only think about today and tomorrow (when I am planning my meals). It can be done, you almost have to not let yourself think too much into it and make yourself do it :) I love the self-control I am starting to have over myself.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Do you have a picture of the dress? If so hang it where you can see it everyday as a motivational tool. Try to do both cardio and weights daily. Especially the large muscle groups like your glutes. Water, Water, Water.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    definitely give 30 Day Shred a go - it works wonders if you stick with it. I lost many many inches with that DVD in a matter of a few months. Hang in there, and chin up! :flowerforyou:
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm with everyone else. Small changes are easier to maintain and they add up. A few pieces of my own personal advice (of course, do what works for you):

    1. everyone says watch your calories, and I agree, but instead of just restricting them change the way you get them. I mean, lower your sugar intake, increase your protein and fiber. Try for a 50 (carb)-25 (protein) -25(fat) ratio and see if that helps you get leaner.
    2. Do strength training too, not just cardio. That's what will shape your body. Even 10 pushups a day makes a huge difference!
    3. Cardio will remove the layers of fat that cover the rockin' muscles you develop with your strength training. Try for 20-30 minutes of cardio a day.

    Don't be sad! You can do it, we're all here to help encourage you! :flowerforyou:
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    we have almost the same measurements :) I'm 44, 42, 47 hang in there honey :)