How the hell have I put on 2lbs???????

I am almost in tears here :(

This is my second week of MFP. I started at 132 lbs, got to 131 after a week (Sunday) and today I am 135 :brokenheart:

I have been exercising everyday, I have tracked everything and stayed in my limits and I have never been heavier.

I am drinking water and green tea so not retaining fluid.

Please help, I want to give up.


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am almost in tears here :(

    This is my second week of MFP. I started at 132 lbs, got to 131 after a week (Sunday) and today I am 135 :brokenheart:

    I have been exercising everyday, I have tracked everything and stayed in my limits and I have never been heavier.

    I am drinking water and green tea so not retaining fluid.

    Please help, I want to give up.
    It's only been two weeks. Let me see your diary.
  • Shelly_here
    Shelly_here Posts: 44 Member
    yesterday morning i weighed myself and was gutted to find i had put on 2lbs. this morning I lost this as well as an additional 1lb!!! obviously in one day i could not have possible put on and lost 3 lbs of fat. fluctations are normal if very irritating!x
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I am almost in tears here :(

    This is my second week of MFP. I started at 132 lbs, got to 131 after a week (Sunday) and today I am 135 :brokenheart:

    I have been exercising everyday, I have tracked everything and stayed in my limits and I have never been heavier.

    I am drinking water and green tea so not retaining fluid.

    Please help, I want to give up.

    you'll need to open your diary so that people can help you.

    As you only have a small amount to lose, half a pound a week would be a healthy amount, what have you set MFP at, and how many cals did it give you?
  • yesterday morning i weighed myself and was gutted to find i had put on 2lbs. this morning I lost this as well as an additional 1lb!!! obviously in one day i could not have possible put on and lost 3 lbs of fat. fluctations are normal if very irritating!x

    This has happened to me many times as well. I've gone up 2lbs in one day, then back down 3 just as quickly. It could be monthly hormonal changes, too much sodium in something you ate, liquid weight from all the water and tea, etc. It could be many things. I used to stress when that happened, but have found that I usually bounce right back with little effort. Give it a few days and see what happens.
  • It took 5 weeks for me before the scales began to behave! Don't give up - chuck the scales away and weigh once every 5/6 weeks or so. Never thought I would say that! But it's true.
  • It could be anything, but this isn't that uncommon. Are you weighing yourself at the same time of day? My weight fluctuates about 2 lbs during the day, and every day. Even hour to hour.

    You could well be retaining water even if you're drinking a lot of water and tea. Are you eating the same things you always have, or are you having more processed food (e.g., frozen meals)?

    Bottom line is that you have to stick with it and watch for a general downward trend over many weeks. This is NOT a quick fix, it's a long-term solution.
  • Don't weigh yourself everyday if you don't want to see ups and downs.
    Choose one day a week, and weigh yourself at the same time of the day - pref first thing in the morning after ablutions.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    Unless you have consumed 6,000 calories don't worry about it. It happen to me when I started , I was working out everyday but I was not losing anything , so one day I had to much sodium and suddenly I had "gained" 2 extra pounds.

    It also took a couple of days before they were gone.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You have got to take a step back from the ledge and breathe..... This journey is a total lifestyle change, has nothing what so ever to do about speed and how fast weight comes off or goes on... Slow and steady will always win this particular race and you need to exhibit patience... I would suggest staying off the scale except for once a week. Pick a day and make that morning when you wake up the day you weigh in for the week... If I weighed myself daily it would have drove me insane, my weight can go up several pounds over the course of any day... Could be do to excess water intake, carb loading and retaining water, strength training and teariing down your muscle will cause them to retain water for repair, and I know this one is gross but healthy bowel movements can make a difference too lol..... It has taken me 32 months to lose 302 lbs. and I would have quit a hundred times over if I started my approach to this weight loss the way you are so take a deep breathe, open up your diary (if you want people to help give you advice) and relax............
  • heya dont worry it might only be muslce xx
  • MsKekeSoFocused
    MsKekeSoFocused Posts: 383 Member
    Why are you almost in tears??? You said its only your 2nd week..I wouldn't stress it and it does help to have your diary public..You might be having too much salt, sugars and/or carbs..Wooosaaahhhh, take pics and measurements and just back away from the scale for now..remember its only been 2 weeks..
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I agree with other posters. Weigh only 1 time per week, on the same day, the same scale and the same way you did when you first started......either with or without clothes. 2 weeks is not enough time to show much of anything. Don't get discouraged, you are on the right track:bigsmile:
  • As others have said, you want to weigh yourself once a month, not once a week. This isn't The Biggest Loser, so you won't see 8 lb losses in a week.

    One thing a person must realize is that it's quite possible to put on more weight, but be healthier and thinner. It's in the way of putting on muscle. If you're doing strength exercising (sit-ups, push-ups, squats), you're building muscle, and that's a good thing, even if you aren't losing the weight.

    Key notes here:
    Weigh yourself at the same time each time. If you weigh yourself at 5am, then weigh yourself at 5am the next time. Keep in mind any bowel movements you may have to relieve, first, for those can often add a couple of pounds, too. Also, make sure you're wearing the same clothes (or completely naked).
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    I know the scales has a psychological effect and I'm not immune to its power myself, but don't get obsessed with it. Have you measured yourself? Do you know that you haven't lost inches??

    I've been on this health kick (?) for a while now and like yourself, don't really have a massive amount to lose (in my opinion). So, changes are subtle. Less wobbly gut and narrower waist, but like you, I weigh more. At first this terrified me, but have to say, although i weigh more, i must look like i weigh LESS. So please don't fixate on the scales! MIRROR< Measuring tape, MUFFIN TOP??? (as in do you have one? and has it gone yet!) and do your favourite jeans fit you yet (the ones you swore you'd get back into).

    i just don't weigh myself anymore. I go by the measuring tape.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    The same thing happened to my husband this morning. We think it may be the amount of salt he put on his dinner last night. But it could be new muscle (replacing fat with muscle will cause your weight to go up) or it could just be one of those mysterious gains that happen to all of us from time to time. I weigh everyday but I don't get concerned about a one day gain as long as I know I am doing what I need to do.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    ps, also, no idea if it's bad etiquette to mention this on a mixed board, but fekk it, excuse me here, the week before your period you are going to weigh more, EVEN if you have just put in 3 weeks of healthy eating. I foolishly timed my first 'weigh-in' to co-incide with that time of the month and became really disheartened. Then, the following week the situation had resolved itself! So just consider that when weighing yourself. I am only going to weigh myself once a month from now on. There really is no point hopping on and off the scales every ten minutes.
  • Don't worry!! It's one day. If it's that time of the month or near that time sometimes you put on more but it comes off again.

    Good Luck and dont give up.
  • ps, also, no idea if it's bad etiquette to mention this on a mixed board, but fekk it, excuse me here, the week before your period you are going to weigh more, EVEN if you have just put in 3 weeks of healthy eating. I foolishly timed my first 'weigh-in' to co-incide with that time of the month and became really disheartened. Then, the following week the situation had resolved itself! So just consider that when weighing yourself. I am only going to weigh myself once a month from now on. There really is no point hopping on and off the scales every ten minutes.

    i so agree i go up at least 5-7lbs during 'those days'
  • if you're nearly in tears after 2 weeks then i'm worried for you!

    this is going to happen time and time again, and more often the more times you weigh yourself. Take photos and measurements and weigh every 2 weeks at the most - a firend of mine can gain and lose 4 lb in one day!

    give it calories in < calories used and over time IT WILL WORK!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • joolsweb
    joolsweb Posts: 81 Member
    Her friend indeed can (think its me she's talking about) I weigh in on a Friday, and apparently on Sunday morning had gained 4lbs (bad day Saturday with all sorts of goodies/baddies), apparently lost 2lb overnight on Sunday and again another 2lb overnight last night - so back to Friday's weight!

    I do weigh every day, but I'm one of the lucky ones who can see it as a motivator and use it to recognise what may or may not have happened, but I only count my one weigh in a week and that's what I log here - my weight fluctuates so much during the day/week that I only base it week by week and even then I take measurments and use other indicators (like how must just dance I can do without having to sit down) to accurately reflect what's really going on with my body.

    Just chill a bit, re look over your diary to see if you're eating enough, really tracking everything, eating back exercise calories and my fave, eating healthily (my opinion but calorie goal made up of sweets and crisps for example can't be as good or as filling as fruit, vegetables, grains, unprocessed food etc)
    And otherwise just wait, have some patience and rather than see it as a bad thing, if it consistently isn't going down, or is in fact going up (I mean over at least 3 weeks) then review it and see where you can make adjustments - remember this is all new to your body so give it a chance to get over the shock - and GOOD LUCK