Do you have to have breakfast?

I've heard so many different things about breakfast - some people say you have to eat it to start your metabolism and that it a key factor in weight loss then other people use fasting techniques and never eat breakfast?

Could you with some guidance on this and would prefer scientific evidence rather than what has worked for an individual.

Looking forward to your answers folks and thanks in advance!!


  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I always thought you needed to eat breakfast too but have recently heard otherwise.

    I am interested in hearing other's take on this as well.

    Although I am not sure how I would make it past 10:00 without eating and probably eating stuff I shouldn't because I am starving.....
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I don't care what science says. If I don't eat breakfast, I am one mean and grouchy son of a gun. :laugh:
  • lublue
    lublue Posts: 123 Member
    Breakfast RULES.

    I had breakfast for lunch today.
  • I've never read anything advocating skipping breakfast, if that helps. Only articles supporting the metabolism thing you mentioned. (I know you didn't want individual-related results but eating a little something in the morning helps wake me up and gets my brain working if anything)
  • RubyDavies
    RubyDavies Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not sure about the ins and outs of it but i'm sure breakfast is beneficial and healthy. You don't have to have much, if you weigh out your cereals and have skimmed milk, or if you like toast have a few slices of weight watchers bread (only 51 calories per slice) then you can easily eat breakfast that isn't too calorific. I wouldn't cut out complete meals, but maybe think about reducing your portion sizes to cut down on the calories that you'd save by skipping breakfast?
  • Leafeh
    Leafeh Posts: 37 Member
    dosen't really matter, keeps you from being grumpy during the day though. it is all about preference I think.
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    i will die without's the one meal i CANT skip even if i don't have time.....if i don't die, the person standing next to me might die or at least walk away without an arm....
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I always eat breakfast unless I have a very early doctor appointmentI I ate breakfast before losing weight and now I just eat a modified version and did away with the pork sausage and bacon.
  • jesskalynn
    jesskalynn Posts: 1 Member
    I've never read anything that says skipping breakfast is a good idea. I know personally, that if I don't eat breakfast, I end up hitting high carb/fat/sugar/salty items instead of making good choices. I also end up over doing it at both lunch and dinner. I've found, since starting to track not only what I'm eating, but when and how I feel that I feel the best when I start with coffee (black) at 5 in the morning, plus a glass of water, work out, then have a good breakfast (today it was 2 egg whites + one egg omlette with spinach, mushrooms and onions, hotsauce and a tablespoon of shredded cheese and a flatbread toast. (All for under 300 calories) I end up eating breakfast about 2 hours after I wake up...When I'm working (i'm on vacation right now) I eat oatmeal (I like betteroats, b/c they include flaxseed and are high protein) and a piece of fruit. I'll be good until lunch around 12, then maybe a small snack before dinner at 6.
    The difference is, when I skip breakfast, I am less likely to make healthy choices later, because when I finally eat, I can actually feel the blood sugar spikes and crashes I experience, and I'm less able to think through my food choices.

    I know lots of people who don't eat breakfast....and this is pure observation....but my friends who skip breakfast are overweight. Every one of them that I know who doesn't eat breakfast. I can' think of a single exception.
  • GirlAnachronismE
    GirlAnachronismE Posts: 97 Member
    I can't eat breakfast, as it makes me feel sick for the entire morning. Doesn't seem to have effected my weight loss. Only a personal view there though!
  • I'd say listen to your body... if you're absolutely staving by lunch time then maybe you should have something for breakfast or mid morning so that you don't overeat at lunch, but if you can hold of and not have it, or don't feel the need to have it, i'd listen to your body and not have it. Sometimes I wake up real late and then I don't have time to have it or wake up in time for lunch hahaha!!
  • lizzierw
    lizzierw Posts: 6 Member
    People say that you should eat it to stop you getting hungry later and snacking and to kick start your metabolism.

    I get pretty grumpy if I don't have breakfast, but I try not to have it. I don't snack, I just wait until lunch time to eat anything. x
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    Not scientific evidence - but I equate it to filling you car with gas.
    By morning - your tank is empty - need to refuel for the day, recharging your brain and your body.
    For me at least - my breakfast is normally larger than my lunch. Days that I miss it or have something light, I feel like crap.

    It has nothing to do w/ starting your metabolism - thats a myth.

    There are probably just as many studies that say you should eat breakfast vs ones that say skipping bfast is ok.

    Not sure what you are looking for as far as scientific evidence..but here is a write up from the Mayo Clinic

    Hope that helps.

  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I have to have breakfast. If I don't I'm hungry all day no matter what I do. I try to have a high protien breakfast rather than a carb-filled breakfast. Keeps me feeling fuller longer and gives my body the kick start it needs. Do what works for you.
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    The scientific studies will state that to increase metabolism - which helps with weight loss - individuals should eat small meals multiple times a day - like 5-6. So, if you eat every 2-3 hours, then it will assume you must "eat breakfast" - because in order to get all the small meals in, you should start with a morning meal - something small (fruit, at least).
  • IllMurray
    IllMurray Posts: 3 Member
    I think individual experience is valid input, because if you skip breakfast I expect you will be hungry all day, and more likely to eat rubbish later on. Although that may be a lie according to this - which is a good resource for solid, non-fad-y information on how to lose weight and get in shape.
    My friend who's a sports science graduate says skipping breakfast is ridiculous, and is necessary for when you exercise later in the day.
    Also, calories eaten at the beginning of the day will be burned off, which is where the adage breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper come in. If you were going to skip anything (which I wouldn't recommend as it is unsustainable and unhealthy), it would therefore be dinner.
  • I've never heard anything other than Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you've been to sleep for 8 hours and had nothing to eat for 8 hours then I think your body really needs something to get you started for the day ahead. I know that if I've ever had to skip breakfast I'm irritable and then I get so hungry I go mad and eat loads that I wouldn't usually eat. But I guess everyone's different.
  • Debbieacm83
    Debbieacm83 Posts: 4 Member
    I just read a book called 6 weeks to OMG which says to not have breakfast, just black coffee. I'm trying it for 6 weeks (i'm on week 2) and although it takes some getting used to, I think it's working!

    It says that with eating little and often your body never needs to use its fat reserves. That logic makes some sense so I thought i'd give it a go.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I need my breakfast! By the time my son's alarm goes off at 7am, I'm starving! The only thing I've heard about having breakfast is to jump start your metabolism. Some of my friends who wouldn't have breakfast before their journey, said they were always tired and would binge at lunch time. So once again, to each is their own if it works for them.