How/why do you have your macros set & what nutrients do you

Hey all,

I was curious to find out how people have their macros set up: carbs, fat, protein, and why you have it that way in particular? Is it because you want to bulk, you bloat, you don't do fat, particular type of training needs etc?

I'm interested in the theories as I'm not sure whether I should reassess my macros or not (currently have the MFP standard settings).

Also, apart from the those, are their any other nutrient targets that you make it a goal to hit or look out for in particular?


  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    30-35-35 for me on a cut... I do more of a 28-37-35 but MFP wont allow it lol..

    I am on a cut until April..
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    I like to have 1g per lb in protein or 40% of my calories coming from protein, 30% from carbs and fats. If I lower my carbs too much my workouts suffer.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 278 Member
    I'm set at 30 carb, 30 fat, 40 protein. I'm still tweeking it off and on to try to get it right... considering putting my carbs and protein at 35 each.

    that being said I am doing weight training at the gym 3-4 times a week and the 30day shred on days I don't go to the gym (and maybe soon the days i do go as well!) to compensate for my high protein. I kind of want to go to higher carbs but I know my weightloss will suffer for it.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    I like to have 1g per lb in protein or 40% of my calories coming from protein, 30% from carbs and fats. If I lower my carbs too much my workouts suffer.

    same here... I tried it but I need my carbs!! Tired for 115grams a day and its way too low for me !!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I eat 100 carbs, 60 fats, 125 proteins per day. This has been probably a month now, and its working well! Somehow, I'd been gaining muscle/losing fat at the same time on this cut! These figures were chosen by a good friend on mfp and the percentages aren't clean cut like most peoples. This is based on lean mass protein and fat suggestions, with carbs selected to fill the remainder of my cut calories really.

    If there are more details as to my macros specifically, I do not know them yet!!! Its working great for me :D
  • ronellevan
    40/40/20 for me - I'm on the Body For Life program and the weight training requires a higher percentage of protein to build muscle.
    Keeps me full and happy too!
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I aim for 93 g of protein every day :1,5g per kilo of target weight, and whatever fat and cabs.
    I have mfp set up fro 45 % carbs, 35% protein and 30 % fat but depending on how much I worked out I might be over or under my protein levels.
    I was changing a lot the micros that I'm tracking - I would pick 2 different for every weeek, now I want the diary to show iron and calcuim, as those seem to be the one that I have hard time with.

    That beeing said, I am not going crazy if I see that I have like 50% calcium left... I know that the yogurt I have have some, but the provider just want give the info how much. So i see the number on mfp and then rise it in my head to what it is probably.
    MFP helps you with tracking but it has a lot of floss. like not beeing able to set up your protein to grams rather then %, and not all food contains micro info
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks so much for your replies!

    Like I said, I currently have the MFP standard settings 55-30-15. I'm now thinking about cutting back carbs a little and upping my protein... although I'm finding that with fruit, yoghurt, crackers and a wholemeal brekky that I'm currently hitting around 60% + - carbs so it could be interesting!

    I also check out my iron, calcium and potassium but I'm the same in knowing that not all foods have those listed on the nutritional info.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Thanks so much for your replies!

    Like I said, I currently have the MFP standard settings 55-30-15. I'm now thinking about cutting back carbs a little and upping my protein... although I'm finding that with fruit, yoghurt, crackers and a wholemeal brekky that I'm currently hitting around 60% + - carbs so it could be interesting!

    I also check out my iron, calcium and potassium but I'm the same in knowing that not all foods have those listed on the nutritional info.

    Another idea is to get a 1/3 of each macro... This works out to be 34% protein and 33% carbs and fats.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    1g per lb of lbm minimum protein
    .35g port lb of bw minimum fat

    Fill the rest of cal goals up with whatever I want
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    1g per lb of lbm minimum protein
    .35g port lb of bw minimum fat

    Fill the rest of cal goals up with whatever I want

    Also a good way to split up your macros
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I went for 40% Carb, 40% Protein and 20% Fat..

    Those are the goals I've set anyway its just difficult to reach it sometimes without going over one of the others
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
  • rolyprince
    rolyprince Posts: 53 Member
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I set the following minimums:
    - 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass
    - .3g of fat per lb of body weight

    Once I hit those minimums, I fill in the rest based on how I'm training/feeling.

    For MFP purposes, it all works out to about a 30/40/30 breakdown - fat/carb/protein