Do you have to have breakfast?



  • teampradenmum
    teampradenmum Posts: 1 Member
    Would we have a designated name for it if we weren't supposed to consume food in the morning?

    Just curious as to why you wouldn't eat breakfast anyway? Does it make you feel ill? Maybe try eating a few small "snacks" in the morning, rather than a larger meal, if that's the case.

    As for scientific evidence...I'm sure you could find as many articles supporting breakfast as there are articles condemning it....just like there are "diets" advocating carbs, and "diets" that do not. Think about what our ancestors did...and listen to your body :)
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    No scientific facts, but my husband always says this to me: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.

    I can't function without breakfast.
  • I hate the times that I need to go for 14 hour fast for blood work. And it's true what someone or many have said. No breakfast ruins my day anyhow. Because I let myself get to hungry. To hungry or being tired is hard on a diet.

    Good luck to all. Listen to your body.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I used to never eat breakfast, and I always said I was not a morning person.... not that I was mean or grumpy, but my brain just did not work. People would talk to me and sometimes I just couldn't even make sense out of it. I pretty much would sit at my desk and try to pass the time at work, I couldn't do any real work requiring brain power until after lunch. But then I was starving and I would load up, and the carbs would make me crash in the afternoon. After I started eating something in the morning, that made all the difference in the world. I'm not talking a huge breakfast. When I get to work I'll have a greek yogurt, cheese stick or two and an apple. Then I'm not starving at lunch, I can make healthier choices, and no afternoon crash.

    So, for me, it is a good thing. But I had to really listen to my body or I would have continued just saying I'm not a morning person, and not function for half the day.
  • Your metabolism is like a fire - if you don't feed it - it doesn't burn.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Your metabolism, weight loss, etc. isn't affected by what time you eat. I do Intermittent Fasting, so I give myself a designated window of time where I can eat. My "feeding" hours are from noon - 10pm, so technically I break my fast around noon, when I've already been awake for about six hours.

    This allows me (and other IFers) to condense our calories into a smaller amount of time and create more satisfying meals. It also cuts down on my snacking throughout the day and before bed. There is a lot more information about the science behind it, etc. at
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    Breakfast is a matter of personal preference. If you need to eat breakfast because it makes you feel better, then do it. If you don't enjoy breakfast, then don't. There is no metabolic advantage to eating breakfast over not eating it. Most people believe that it jump starts metabolism. This is nonsense. The reason a lot of people have success by not skipping breakfast is not gorging on excess calories at a later meal. It's a psychological effect more than anything.

    Being at a caloric deficit is what matters. When you eat those calories does not matter.
    GRAMFLYER Posts: 10 Member
    absolutely! If you have no other meal during the day, you must have breakfast - it fuels your body after "fasting" over night. Otherwise your body will produce more fat to 'survive'
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    Your metabolism is like a fire - if you don't feed it - it doesn't burn.

    This is not true. Your metabolism is still going if you don't eat breakfast.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Eating breakfast, 5-6 meals a day...etc....has NO affect on metabolism. Your body doesn't slow down after 8-10 hours of fasting. Our bodies are too smart for that. Don't believe the hype. Eat according to personal preference and workout performance.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    absolutely! If you have no other meal during the day, you must have breakfast - it fuels your body after "fasting" over night. Otherwise your body will produce more fat to 'survive'

    Produce fat from what? If you are in a caloric deficit, you are not creating fat from nothing.
    GRAMFLYER Posts: 10 Member
    :noway: mmmm I didn't see an M.D. after your name ....
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I always find it funny that we are all here because we have food consumption issues and people don't like breakfast.:laugh: OMG, food is what gets my lazy butt out of bed!! And coffee. LOL. I was just listening to the Jillian Michael's podcast and she talked about how breakfast before a workout is very important. You can actually start burning muscle if you don't have any blood sugars/food for the body to work off of. Plus you don't have the energy to give a super HARD workout. I love food...I love breakfast. MIne is around 400 calories every day and it keeps me full for hours!
  • Sharney3154
    Sharney3154 Posts: 9 Member
    I believe breakfast is good, it just depjends on whats on the menu. I would rather eat it at 9:00 am but then I am at work. I do know that if I eat something with protien I am not hungry till lunch time. I am working on finding something that I can eat at my desk that satifies my hunger.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I have to have my breakfast or I can not function in the mornings. I dont drink coffee or energy drinks so I have to have some kind of fuel. I usually have yogurt with granola and 2 eggs on 2 slices of whole grain toast. I chug a bottle of water as soon as I get up. I do workouts and house chores in the mornings so I have to have the energy! I think its just a personal preference. Eat when your body tells you its hungry! Mine is usually screaming at me when I wake up! I eat light dinners and I eat early, 5:30 or 6 or so and I dont eat after 7 so come 7a.m. I am starving!
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    :noway: mmmm I didn't see an M.D. after your name ....
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    :noway: mmmm I didn't see an M.D. after your name ....

    And none behind yours. Please send me some peer-reviewed literature that backs up your "fasting for 8 hours will create fat outta nowhere in a caloric deficit" theory.

    I don't need an MD after my name to be educated in the BASICS of human nutrition, physiology and science.
  • I just read a book called 6 weeks to OMG which says to not have breakfast, just black coffee. I'm trying it for 6 weeks (i'm on week 2) and although it takes some getting used to, I think it's working!

    It says that with eating little and often your body never needs to use its fat reserves. That logic makes some sense so I thought i'd give it a go.

    Yes i can really see the logic in that. Im just not a breakfast person, i have to force myself to eat then all it does it make me feel hungrier, sooner :ohwell:
  • Breakfast is a very important start to your day. It provides the energy to get you started are feel good. This is why you hear about the breakfast start for children at school, it provides the energy and brain power they need to keep up with the day. That's my opinion and I'll stick with it since I'm a diabetic.
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    I skip breakfast, only because it seems to make me hungrier later in the day. I know, doesn't make sense.