How the hell have I put on 2lbs???????



  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member one's said it yet, but...when was the last time you had a poo? You might just need to go. I didn't go for a few days once and gained about 2 pounds, then I went, lost 2 pounds just from the poo and started losing weight again right after.
  • By exercising, you're building muscle, which is heavier than fat. You'll lose weight as more fat is burned. Keep it up!
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 292 Member
    Yep - step away from the scales!!! Don't even go near them for 5 weeks!! Just keep up healthy eating and exercise then go and have a look in 5 weeks!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    By exercising, you're building muscle, which is heavier than fat. You'll lose weight as more fat is burned. Keep it up!

    It's next to impossible to put on muscle on a calorie deficit, and absolutely impossible to put on two pounds of muscle in a week.

    BUT... if you're new to working out, heavy exercise create small tears in your muscle. Perfectly normal. It's how your muscles get stronger. But those tiny tears will retain fluid as they heal, and that retained fluid (inflammation) can cause a temporary gain on the scale. Key word: TEMPORARY.

    Make sure you have a small calorie deficit (don't starve yourself, it's counterproductive), get adequate protein, add some strength training, eat the extra calories earned from exercise, and stop obsessing about the number on the scale. Take photos every couple weeks in a bikini or underwear and judge your progress on something other than your weight.

    Also, check this blog post:
    And this forum post:

    I've GAINED weight since going on maintenance in October, and I've only gotten smaller. I've been eating a LOT of food, and I look like I weigh less. If you're already at a healthy weight, trying to lose more pounds might be the worst thing you can do.
  • good god girl.. its only 2lbs that will go away ..i lost 80lbs and there were days i would step on the scale and was five lbs up.. it went away the next day or two .. thats just the way it goes sometimes and if you are going to weigh yourself frequently expect to see the scale bounce around from time to time.
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    google "why the scale lies"
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    dont get discouraged or happens....its probably just normal daily fluctuation...i went from162 to154 and i was so happy then i jumped back up to 157....i was devastated for a while til i realized i wasn't eating enough i upped my calories to the 1500 the mfp gave me and now im down to 153 just gotta make sure you are eating enough
  • Unless you have consumed 6,000 calories don't worry about it. It happen to me when I started , I was working out everyday but I was not losing anything , so one day I had to much sodium and suddenly I had "gained" 2 extra pounds.

    It also took a couple of days before they were gone.

    Boom. What she said!

    I have weeks like that too. I will "recycle" the same 3-4 pounds for about a week, then they are gone and do that little dance with a new set. First it was 154-156, for like 3 weeks. Then 149-151...

    Your body doesn't immediatly get rid of what you burned the day before. But what has worked for me to help drop a little extra water weight is to wear longsleeves at the gym, I sweat more, drink more water...and typically within 2 days I see that number go down.