Why on earth have I gained weight?!



  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    Time of the month???
    Your body could just be re-adjusting to the amount of fluid you lost the first week .... so perhaps you have lost 1.8 kg of fat over two weeks which is awesome.
    Just stick with it, and soon your weight will drop again.
  • Barbara98
    Barbara98 Posts: 60 Member
    Why would you not gain muscle at 1200 calories a day if your working out. Because of my height and weight thats what the program put me at in able to lose weight. I have a home gym and a treadmill and i would think working out on those would increase muscle as long as i sustain the calories required.
  • A pound of muscle does weigh the same as a pound of fat.
    But, by volume, muscle does weigh heavier than fat.
    For arguments sake, a cup of muscle would weigh heavier than a cup of fat.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hello there!

    Please don't be disheartened this early on in the program... I was in almost exactly the same situation as you when I first started. I weighed 70kg and wanted to get to 60kg. I started on January 4th 2012 and as of Monday this week I have lost a total of 8.2 kilograms. In my first week I lost 3 kg! So quite similar to you. However in the second week of doing the same thing I didn't lose anything, and I felt terribly disheartened too... I was thinking "What's the point of putting in all this hard work etc. if I am not going to lose anything, but I had to keep reminding myself that I had a massive loss the week before and I kept with it.

    I feel that you've put on a kilogram as you are drinking a lot of water. I didn't add any more water after my first weight loss whereas you did as therefore gained weight, whereas I stayed the same.

    In 9 weeks though, I have lost 8.2 kg & if I can do it, you certainly can. I barely ever eat back my exercise calories. I always try to aim for 1000-1200 calories of food consumed a day, however I exercise on top of that too... I exercise approx. 5 days per week & aim for at least 45 - 60 mins of exercise. I try and do a combination of cardio (150 - 300 calories burned) and weights. I have just begun doing abdominal work and rowing (it's all very exciting!). My NET calories per day are anywhere as low as 700 - 1200 (depending on if I have done exercise). In saying that people will probably start saying "that's not enough; you'll get sick; you must be hungry" but I'm not. I still indulge daily with my choccie treat at the end of the day, I still eat my favourites i.e. pizza, pasta & burgers I just ensure I don't go over my calories or do lots of exercise the days I eat those delicious things! And I try to eat really nutritious food mostly during the week.

    250 cal breakfast
    400 cal lunch
    50-100 cal afternoon tea
    300-350 cal dinner
    50 cal chocolate dessert

    Good luck with it all. If you want to know anything else, just message me & I am more than happy to let you know more about what I am doing.... however, even though we seem to have a similar situation, everyone responds differently and you need to find what works for you! This has worked a treat for me. :smile:
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    Not to be too forward, but could it be your TOM?? I know when that time is close for me I "gain" a pound or 2. Just keep working your *kitten* off and eventually it will go away! BTW, I have close to the same goal, add me if you want!
  • GOLDEN RULE: Never weigh yourself during TOM! I always skip that week.
  • NetanyaIrl
    NetanyaIrl Posts: 9 Member
    It's not my TOM And my diet is very low in sodium. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  • HotKanye
    HotKanye Posts: 103 Member
    Why would you not gain muscle at 1200 calories a day if your working out. Because of my height and weight thats what the program put me at in able to lose weight. I have a home gym and a treadmill and i would think working out on those would increase muscle as long as i sustain the calories required.

    Because you need calories to build muscle and when you're barely fueling your body it can't be making anything extra, just maintaining. Plus it would be unlikely for any woman (even one with a specific goal of bulking) to put on any significant muscle mass in two weeks. If she did it would be by eating an excess of calories, not a deficit of a thousand.
  • NetanyaIrl
    NetanyaIrl Posts: 9 Member
    Ok my diaries are now public so if you want to have a look at what I'm doing in terms of exercise and food you are welcome to.

    I left it a week to do a weigh in so that I wouldn't obsess. Tbh I should have left it longer as I'm quite down now.

    No weight change at all. I've been 64 kg for 9 days and counting. My next weigh in is on the 16th of march which is precisely 5 weeks since I started MFP. So the pattern is I lost weight for the first week then gained weight then lost a little and now I remain stationary. I've even checked my measurements and nothing has changed.

    Weight loss has never been this hard for me before and even if I'd seen a half kg drop I'd be ecstatic.