some advice on weighing in

Hi im new to the site and new to trying to loose weight in general. I just wanted to know how often should I weigh myself and update my ticker? weekly ? fortnightly? I dont want to be jumping on and of the scales daily so want to set specific days for the scales? Thanks!


  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Its pretty much all a matter of personal preference. I record my weight here every Friday, even though I track my weight on a daily basis. Some feel too much pressure with frequent weigh ins, and opt for once a month or even longer time periods. Experiment and find what is comfortable for you.
  • jmaffett
    Most weight loss programs, like Weight Watchers, have you weigh once a week. That gives enough time for your body to register changes. If you weigh daily you can make yourself crazy because there will be fluctuations up and down.

    I once did a diet where I weighed only once a month, but I had a pair of pants that I tried on once a week.

    Think about what will work for you. There are no hard and fast rules.
  • lizzierw
    lizzierw Posts: 6 Member
    I would recommend starting with once a week weigh ins to start off with. You will soon know if that works for you or not. Also weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you've been for a wee and before having anything to eat and drink. x
  • bronagh20
    bronagh20 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks. i think ill go with once a week!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I do every Friday, I work hard all week and Friday seems to be a good day for me. If I wait til Monday I usually have water weight because I slack off just a tiny bit on the weekend!