
Bella151 Posts: 123
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I just started P90X two weeks ago, and on Mon, Wed, and Fridays I run in the mornings. I want to up it to where I run 5 days a week, and still do P90X at the same time. My husband told me that was not smart and I will overtrain and eventually plateu. I desperately want to lose the rest of my pregnancy weight, and I know running will help burn up fat fast, plus P90X will give me the strength training too. I have to run at least three days a week anyways because I am in the military. I was just wondering if it seems like too much to run and do P90X on the same days? Any advice would be WONDERFUL!!

P.S. When I run, I usually do about 4-5 miles.


  • jmdolan
    jmdolan Posts: 128
    How often do you do PX90? I would also like the answer to this question.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    P90X is 6 days a week.
    Honestly, I'd say you would be ok, just try and line it up so that you're running on days when you're doing abs/chest stuff. You might not fit in 5 runs a week, but honestly you're going to be doing a sick amount of exercise. I don't think you'll need the extra run or two. Also, make sure you use your rest day as a rest day.

    You're also going to want to make sure you're eating enough food, because that much working out is going to put quite a strain on your body.
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    I'm unsure of what this PX thing is, but I am sure it is some form of working out. The best thing to do to not overtrain is listen to your body. I think working out that much and long is fine if your body can handle it. If you start feeling your muscles can't handle it or that it is too much stop. I have had runners that I coach pull muscles because they overtrained. (These runners did my track workout and then ran at home for more mileage) If you are worried about plateauing, you just need to vary up what you do. In your runs, use interval training. Run hard for one minute and then slower for two (I do 8 on a treadmill that 6). You can also do what I call fives. Run hard for five minutes and then more moderately for five minutes. This one might be easier because you are used to running long distances. At least one of these five workout days switch from running all together. If you are at a gym, try a cardio class or if not swim or dance or something else. If you only run long runs, your body gets used to this process and you won't burn as many calories if you switch things up once in a while or do interval training.
  • Bella
    Your husband is right. it is too much to run 4-5 miles plus do the P90X on the same days. Not only will you plateu but you will burn out as well. What i do is I work out 7 days a week. Mixing it up every other week. You could do P90X Mon, Wed, Fri and Sunday then run your 4-5 miles the other days. But doing them on the same day isn't a good idea. BTW I am hoping to start the P90X soon as well. How do you like it so far?
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    I am really glad I found this post! I too have been wanting to do P90X and other exercise. This weekend I watched my husband complete his first triathalon. It was so awesome, I was so proud of him. And I have to say, it was contagious. I told him I would do it with him next year. But I don't even run now. So I am doing Couch to 5K, Spinning, and just the strength training of P90X. I alternate 3 days of Couch to 5K, with 3 days of spinning/bike riding. And do P90X strength on the days I do Couch to 5K. Eventually I will need to start swimming, but the P90X will help me strengthen my arms, back, shoulders. I too was wondering if this was too much, but I think the best advice is listen to your body and eat your exercise calories.
  • Bella151
    Bella151 Posts: 123
    How often do you do PX90? I would also like the answer to this question.

    I am currently doing the P90X Lean Routine, which is more cardio based. It is 6 days a week, with Sunday being your rest/stretch day.
  • Bella151
    Bella151 Posts: 123
    Your husband is right. it is too much to run 4-5 miles plus do the P90X on the same days. Not only will you plateu but you will burn out as well. What i do is I work out 7 days a week. Mixing it up every other week. You could do P90X Mon, Wed, Fri and Sunday then run your 4-5 miles the other days. But doing them on the same day isn't a good idea. BTW I am hoping to start the P90X soon as well. How do you like it so far?

    Thanks for the advice babybefit! I love P90X! I actually feel like I am getting a workout with this routine. Good luck, and keep us updated on how it is going for you!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    You should check out some of the P90X threads- lots of answers to your quewstions. I am in round 2, week 2, day 2. I started "doubles" from the very beginning. This was running 3 mornings a week on the strength days. Do you have the fitness guide? This is laid out there. Yes, you can up your cardio to 5 days a week, however, add a day a week. It sounds like you are a runner, thus you have an advantage over someone who just wants to speed the process and is new to P90X AND running. There are many people on the P90X thread I follow- link below- who run and do extra cardio 4-5 days a week.

    The 2 main things are make sure you are eating enough- 1700-1800 cals a day, seriously!!!!- and listen to your body. If you start to feel wasted, then back off the cardio temporarily. You cannot skip the non-strenghth days and substitute other cardio, as was suggested. Follow the X, and you will see results!!!!

    Finally, don't watch your scale!!!!!! Do your measurements and monitor how your clothes feel. You will be replacing fat with muscle, so the scale will not change much to start.

    Good Luck!!! You can do it!!!:flowerforyou:

    P90X...starting a new thread...part 8
    this is the thread I follow. Sorry- couldn't figure out how to add a link without losing this huge post.:grumble:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    It's great to see so many people on P90X!!!:drinker:

    A bit of advice from a graduate: Women-- do the classic version!!! You will get much better results, but you will not get bulky!!!!! Also, follow the entire program. You will not get the true results by leaving out the non-strength routines. As I said before, you can add extra cardio as long as you listen to your body!!!

    Look over some of the P90X threads here or on beachbody.com. They are very helpful!!!!
  • Bella i didnt' realize that p90 comes with specific days! Disregard my post as April so graciouly pointed out! Good luck!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Is Dean Karnaze overtraining when he trains for, and runs, his 50 mile ultramarathons? Only he can judge that, just like only you can judge your level of training. If you are having trouble recovering, if you aren't improving from one workout to the next, if you are grouchy and lack appetite, if you are tired but sleepless, then you are overtraining. The human body is capable of incredible things. Don't limit yourself because someone tells you too. Listen to your body and act accordingly.
  • rome2000
    rome2000 Posts: 4
    Hi, I was browsing the forums but I have to jump in here. I agree with songbyrdsweet, but I hate the term "overtraining", and i'll mention i dislike "muscle memory" as well. Its about the workout and then the recovery - diet, sleep, and in my book, yoga and massage-after every workout), you shouldn't feel "overtrained". If you do or if you hit a plateau, then you're doing one of those categories wrong. Are you getting 8 hours of sleep? what do you eat while you work out, how much water are you drinking? If you're not seeing results, its not because of the workouts, its going to be one of the other things. Lets say you do run every other day. Why every other day? it because the opposite days are recovery days; you knees can only take so much, but if you want to increase your running, then you have to look at all the details, such as supplements, and even shoes (serious runners only put so much mileage on their shoes) This is all part of the recovery process.
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