hello everyone! I am new here and I need all the help I can

I'm 31 year old mother of six, my children are 12, 11, 9, 7, 2, and 1. I have a lot and I do mean a lot of medical problems. I had them since I was 22, they started after my third child and progressively gotten worse. I was able to lose weight after my first two right away and since my third 1 I haven't been able to lose any and I just kept getting bigger with with each pregnancy. I have thyroid issues and I have no idea what will help me lose weight I've tried countless diets and none have work so far but I refuse to give up because now I like to be healthier happier again, especially for my children. I get frustrated with my diet easily and give up because the doctors don't help me at all with my weight or anything else for that matter. I am really excited to lose weight and I hope that this will help. any and all advice would be greatly appreciated thank you


  • ashie83
    ashie83 Posts: 6 Member

    Thyroid trouble is the worst. Are you on medication for it? My dear friends mother had a thyroid problem and it took her a few years to finally get the weight under control. I think patience and baby steps may be the best thing in this situation.

    She needed help with her nutrition, and although the medication aided in preventing further weight gain, she had to diet to loose that which she gained prior to the medication. I do believe she started to visit a dietitian, recommended by her doctor. Perhaps you can ask your doctor for a referral?

    Good luck!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Hi and welcome! I have lots of issues as well! I have this year lost 95 lbs, by nothing other then drinking lots of water, i get a gallon and try to drink that during the day, i eat smaller portions, i try to eat my meals on a small plate, or fill up a half of bowl, i eat like vpevery two to three hrs, keeping it low fat! If it is high in fat it is a healthy fat and low in carbs! Like nuts and olive oil! I dont use butter just olive oil! I also use low fat mayo in my sandwiches! I changed my breads to whole wheat and try not to eat much of it! I really didnt excersise much until now. When u r ready u will do it.! Just keep trying! U will get there!
  • melissayzenon
    Hello My Name is Melissa I just started this with a very sweet gal i meet in the pool a few days ago. I would love to have all the friends and support i can get. I have been very sick. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, very high cholesterol, my kidneys are not filtering very good, and i take more meds than i can name. My doc thinks it is very important for me to lose weight. Im at 280lbs, i know i will never be thin but i would like to see the other side of 200. I have 3 children that are 7,13,19 that i would like to see grow and blossom in their lives. At the rate now my doc says i could have a stoke or die in just a few years. Prayers and positive words would be a blessing
  • steffihoney
    Hi!! We all can use a little help along the way. The weight loss journey is not an easy one.
    Sorry to hear about the health issues. I wish you all the luck! I also sent you a friend request.
  • angelbaby32
    angelbaby32 Posts: 3 Member
    melissa I am a borderline diabetic I have a heart condition I have horrible teeth reproductive an intestinal issues on the list goes on and on so I know how you feel hang in there I know you can do it you have my prayers. . 95 pounds that's awesome, I am using a small plates trying to drink more cutting down on carbs. I am also doing zumba, walking, my usual errands and cleaning with 6 kids and I'm hoping to start hiking skating and bowling again soon. ash yes I like trouble is the worst I am on meds when I first started and I lost weight for the first time in 10 years 49 pounds actually then my let my thyroid levels stabilized again and I gained all the weight back and then some. I did try a dietician but all she did was tell me what not to eat stuff I already did not eat and wouldn't help me with a meal plans with the stuff that I do she was useless. Ugh thanks for requesting me steff
  • gbgronland
    Hello, Im A nurse are Mayo and see thyroid patients frequently. If possible you should talk with your doctors and get a nutrition consult to aid in your weight loss in terms of diet and exercise that is appropriate for thyroid issues as well as the other medical issues you say you are struglling with. Hang in there and take baby steps each day
  • angelbaby32
    angelbaby32 Posts: 3 Member
    in your thyroid patients, have you found anything in their diet to be consistently helpful?
  • dnaul
    dnaul Posts: 10 Member
    I have thyroid issues as well (hashimoto's) and it sucks. I basically have to work 2x as hard as someone with no thyroid issues. Feel free to add me as a friend.