265 pounds losing hope



  • tjmbellsouth
    I have lost 265+ pounds. It has taken years. Now I am trying to loose 25 more and get to my goal, 195. I'm from the US, working in Italy. I know it is brutal to get away from the staple foods of the reigon you live. My advice is: be true to yourself, weigh(on a scale, measure exactly, dont try and guess) and log everything that goes into your mouth. It's simple arithmatic, you have to eat less than your body needs to survive, but not too much. Your body goes into a defensive starvation mode, then when you do eat your body tries to store fat for another famine. You can eat too little protien and loose lean muscle mass, I know I did, it was unhealthy, I was only having 700-900 Cal/day. and doing lots of cardio, month after month. I lost all kinds of weight but allot of it was holding my frame together, and don't forget your heart, it's a muscle.
    Keep at it, you did not gain it over night, you do not want to loose more than a pound a week, some weeks half or quarter of a pound. But persevere, you have got to wan't it! Keep the scale going in the minus-direction!
    Jogging is tough on your body. Fast walking is better for you in the long haul, make it enjoyable, not a job. You have to change your life-syle for good if you want it to be permanent. Unfortunately, for some of us its' a way of life. It's easier to be lazy.
  • fiat
    fiat Posts: 17
    oh my goodness this is certainly the problem! fried food is very high calorie! the oil that is added to fry it has approx 120 per tablespoon, and thats alot of calories added... if you think about how much oil is added to the chicken or fish you can see that alot of extra calories are being added to your day.

    if you eat the chicken or fish baked, broiled or steamed, or anyother way that doesn't add that oil you will probably solve the problem.
    for interest, white rice is 242 a cup, brown is 218 a cuo, and pasta is 221 a cup.
  • chriswee2012
    Thanks friends,the different is 26 calories for brown rice and white rice,i will avoid oily foods now !
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi friends,thanks for the responds and good comments, just wondering ,i always build up muscle by going gym,because i heard that by doing so,i willl burn fats more faster ,now ,im scared that my muscles will be big and not balance with my body,soo my body will be BIG ,i dont want to be like body builder,i want to SHRINK and thin

    Again, to build the kind of muscles that body builders have takes a LOT of serious training and effort with weights, and a LONG time. You are not in any danger of this with the routine you described. Even a regular, moderate weight lifting routine is not going to give you that kind of body. The next time you see a body-builder, ask them about how they got that way... you don't get that way without it being a specific goal you work (hard) towards.