Anyone losing weight AND giving up smoking?



  • jankleberry
    I want to not smoke. But I dont want to quit, I keep telling myself that after this pack I'll just not buy anymore, but I always do. I hate the fact that I enjoy it so much.
  • ginger_fury187
    ginger_fury187 Posts: 8 Member
    It's the double-whammy , I'm thinking all those cravings for sweets will kick-in. Perhaps it's best to try one of the things at a time.

    So is anyone in this particular nightmare zone?

    I have to say - doing both at the same is probably the worse thing anyone could do.

    Im 24 and had been smoking since 16 - nights out i could smoke probably 40. I tried giving up smoking and dieting at the same time and for me personally; it was hell.

    When you give up smoking, your body and your mind will look for something to fill that gap - 9 times out of 10 its food. So if your dieting this is going to cause a problem. And you cant deny the crave cos then you will get grumpy and snap at people and eventually end up smoking again....and worse off, when your hungry and youve had your daily allowance, for me that was when I would normally turn for a cigerette to fill that hunger feeling.

    I tried quitting food and smoking last year - it didnt work. But July I decided to lead with the not smoking. We are now in March, i havent smoked a single cigerette, only put on half a stone, and now im strong enough to not feel the need to smoke which makes my dieting alot easier.

    You got to have some major strong will power to do both; i wish you luck in your journey x
  • akf2000
    akf2000 Posts: 278 Member
    hah wow! I didn't notice today's date and I have a thing about palindromic dates/ numbers, I once pointed out a palindromic shopping receipt excitedly to my very unimpressed wife:laugh: :laugh:

    I can totally see where you're coming from. This is too much of an opportunity to miss. I'm joining you buddy, this is now also my quitting day.

    Thanks to everyone who replied! You guys rock!

    I'm getting this Alan Carr book too, hope it's on Kindle :)
  • MattBoySlim
    MattBoySlim Posts: 62 Member
    Allan Carr's book is great, I tried nicotine patches and hypnotherapy, in the end just reading a book did the trick.

    When I quit, I probably binge eat for 3/4 days, but after that was fine, we more I felt I should be eating than actually wanting to eat.

    Also I read somewhere you need to gain some 70lbs to get the same negative health affect as smoking, I doubt you would gain more than a pound or 2.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    My stop smoking method and can probably be done for free since most cell phones have alarms or timers. I was exactly a pack a day smoker. Cold Turkey didn't work. One day may wife came home wih a little clock/timer a drug rep handed out at her work. I figured I smoked a cig about every hour on avg. So I set the timer for 1 hr. when It went off, I got a cig. The next day 1:05 between cigs, next day 1:10 between increasing it 5 minutes each day until I got down to the 4 main ones, b'fast, lunch, supper, bedtime. A week of that did it. I smoked the last one out of the pack and that was it. Nicotine is a strong drug. You have to taper off. It sounds too simple to work but it did for me.
    Good luch and if anyone tries it, let me know what you think.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I have lost 35 lbs since last July to get within 5 lbs of my original goal, and I just quit smoking 3 weeks ago. I'm using the nicotine patch and am now on the lowest step (7mg), which I hope to be completely done with in another week or so....

    So far, no additional losses (although I've been on a plateau since December anyway), but no gain either. I started the C25K running plan the day I quit, and I can feel a HUGE improvement in lung function which is allowing me to kick up all of my fitness activities. Its harder because I AM tempted to eat more crap, but just keep reminding myself that I got rid of all my big clothes, and can't afford to grow out of my new awesome smaller wardrobe!!
  • herbalistkathy
    herbalistkathy Posts: 1 Member
    I am at the same crossroads as you right now.. started the workout and weight loss first.. because I fear gaining more weight, which would leave me with no clothing that fits!! I am in my largest clothes now and I need to lose first..
  • jenyeates
    I gave up smoking a week ago and am worried about gaining weight as I seem to be hungry all the time. I had hypnotherapy which is supposed to work without craving food or nicotine I'm craving both. I would however recommend hynotherapy. It makes things a whole lot easier.:sad:
  • ebaywidow
    Quit smoking in October by using an e-cig for about a month. Not smoking at all now...Thank Lord. I did gain 18 pounds quickly though not because I was stuffing myself but nicotine does boost metabolism. Back down to smoking weight & have lost 5 pounds. It was a lot easier to lose weight when I was on the Marlboro & Diet Coke Diet!!! Good luck with both endeavors...feel so much better not smoking & have more independence without them. Exercising is easier as well :)
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I think dieting and quitting smoking isn't the best idea. I quit smoking about 4 yrs ago. When I quit, I starting working out regularly, it helped me curb the craving. I did gain about 10 lbs but it came off pretty quickly. One thing at a time!

    I worked up to quitting as well. At the time, I had a job where I drove alot, I increased my time between cigs. I would put the cigs in my trunk before I left so I would have to stop to get one :)

    My tips... drink lots of water. Find something to do with your hands/mouth, meaning on cough drops/gum/ anything!

    Good luck. you can do it. It is much more a mental thing once the initial crazings are gone.