Lean Muscle and Calorie Resricted Diet

I started working out again a couple of months ago. I started out primarily focusing on cardio and weightloss. I have since migrated to building lean muscle and hitting weight resistance training. I have indeed been building lean muscle and losing fat, as well. The problem I am having now is the calorie restriction that this site and many other sources claim that I should be using as a guideline for losing weight no longer seem to be adequate. My energy levels have plummeted and I cannot maintain the level of exercise that i have become accustomed to.

I guess my question is 'how do I continue to lose weight and gain lean muscle?' Should I increase my daily calories so that I can maintain my same workout regimine?


  • gleechick609
    PM Helloitsdan - He can run numbers for you
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Honestly, it's hard to do both at the same time... esp if you are pretty lean already.

    My suggestion is to eat your exercise calories(if you aren't doing that already) and take the deficit down to half a pound a week. That should provide you with enough calories and energy to sustain the level that you want.

    I'm sure others will chime in shortly as I know I haven't even really scratched the surface of this topic.
  • Shedcrazy
    Thanks, Ladies. I'll try and PM dan and see what he can share. Dad106, I think I can shift some of my calories around and maybe help out some.I have this bedtime saltine addiction that if I could beat, I could move those calories to pre and post workout. That would help some, im sure. I just never had this problem when I was cardio only. It came in as I started to gain muscle.