calorie loss per day?

I've been wearing my heart rate moniter all day (the FT7), and from what it tells me, my typical activity (walking to class, standing, cooking, just my regular routine, I didn't use it for gym activity) runs me around 400 calories per two hours. My average heart rate was 100bpm exactly. so... minus 8 hours of sleep, I burn 3,200 calories a day by just existing?! that can't be right. I figured by wearing it all day I could get a more accurate level on how many calories I should be eating a day but. I can't possibly need 3,000 calories to maintain my existance (I'm 5'3 and 155lbs and female btw). help?!


  • lyndsei
    lyndsei Posts: 153 Member
    That is a really good question... I would like to see what people answer on this one. :happy:
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    A HRM is not suppose to worn all day. It only actually give you a correct reading when your HR is elevated so I would not trust the reading from it if you wear it all day. If you want something to mnoitor your daily burn then you will have to invest in a Fit Bit or Body Bugg.