Brand new

Hello all, my name is Andria but Andi for short and Im new to this site! I'm looking forward to my weight loss with help, friends and support along the way. This time I really hope to stick to my weight loss journey..I used to play basketball and during that season I lost a whopping 30lbs and was down to the lowest weight I've ever been, which was 150lbs. And because I'm 5'8 I looked damn good.But at the time I didn't believe I looked good because my friends got attention from guys and I never did..I know. I was SO stupid in that regard. But over the course of 3 years I gained it all back and then some. I lost the drive. And with that I lost my happiness as well. I want to be happy and confident with myself again and the drive is back! The highest weight I've ever been is 220lbs. Currently I weight 215lbs, so I have lost around 5lbs since I started cracking down on my health/fitness again. So my motto is "leggooo!!" and I'm not stopping till I get to where I wanna be. As progress comes, photo's will come too.


  • lckids04
    Hi, My name is LeAnn and I'm new to this also. I find it most difficult if you don't have any one doing this with you, I have a hard time saying no to the food. Any suggestions?:smile:
  • AngelAndi
    I would say to make sure the people around you know you're trying to make a healthy lifestyle change so they won't pressure you into eating something or doing something that will ultimately negate your progress. Also, just always go for the healthier options of food and eat what you want in MODERATION. And last but not least (of course) work out! Gym time, sports, any kind of activity will move you in the right direction. :)
  • HealthierFitMe01
    Feel Free to add me as your friend. I have 30lbs to lose to my goal weight lost 5lbs so far we can help eachother lose the weight together.