

  • Runthismom
    Options NOT eat your exercise calories back. Think of your calories as a bank account, you want money in it everyday right? Exercise is a deposit, food is a whithdrawl. Deficits are good. 500 a day will leave you about a pound lighter at the end of the week. So I not eat your exercise calories back. Proper fuel is what matters the most.

    If you have set you MFP goal to lose 1lb a week you already have a deficit of 500 calories a day (based on your BMR MFP calculates using age/weight/activiy level), so if you exercise and you burn an additional 500 your deficit is actually 1000. Which is a lot.

    I thought it was too...however I have confirmed that this is in fact OK with a friend of mine who is well versed in weight loss, a certified personal trainer, and a figure competitor. I have seen her transformation and she knows what she is talking about, I trust what she says. Sometimes I do go over the 1200, but not very often, and not by much. I am losing weight, building muscle and feeling a ton better. If I were doing damage, starving myself and being unhealthy my body would show it. But in 8 weeks I am down 8.5 pounds so that is just over 1 pound a week, and that is totally normal, and perfectly healthy. Every body is different, and hormones play a huge part in hw your body loses weight, and process what you put in it. I highly, highly reccomend "Mastering your Metabolism" and the companion cookbook by Jillian Michaels. It's easy to understand, and the food is aaaa-mazing!!!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    For the most part, I find my weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs in a single day. I only really only trust monthly weigh-ins, even then sometimes the mirror shows changes the scale doesn't.

    I wouldn't get too worked up over it.
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    I have a similar problem, SO I will follow this. Good luck.
  • dmitchell1234
    Hi there. I just sent you a friend request; however, I was in my husband's log when I replied, (I'm keeping up with his progress for him). Anyways, it cam from Michael5035. So, if you want to accept my request, please email back to me on my log. dmitchell1234. Thanks - good luck - hope to talk to you soon. d
  • johnsonje82
    johnsonje82 Posts: 46 Member
    For the most part, I find my weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs in a single day. I only really only trust monthly weigh-ins, even then sometimes the mirror shows changes the scale doesn't.

    I wouldn't get too worked up over it.


    Sodium is a killer....
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I would take one complete day of rest before weighing yourself. Give your body time to repair itself and get a more accurate weigh in.
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    Absolutely sodium. No question. WATER!!!!! I'd probably eat a little more too. Check in on your net number and make sure it hits 1200.

    Totally agree with this. Careful of the S word (starvation) being misused. It doesn't happen overnight and I personally feel like people throw it around a bit too much, but long term (months) eating too little can have opposite effects than expected.

    The good thing about high sodium intake is that it's completely reversible by drinking enough water to flush out your system.

    Everything in moderation... Good luck with your goals
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    Great info !!! Thanks for posting...bump
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    Agreed, Make sure you are drinking enough water each day, I find the more I drink the less I retain...Odd but true! Keep going you will get there.

    I agree with this statement. My doctor backed it up while I was pregnant. Pregnant women retain water, it's what we do, but my doctor told me I'd retain less if I drink more and more often. She was right. It works now too. I haven't been drinking enough water the last 4 days and the d@mn scale hasn't budged. I drank two liters today and have peed constantly and have lost 0.2 kg since this morning and I've eaten 2 meals already.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    It's the sodium!! Drink ALOT of water today and eat as much asparagus as you can! Asparagus has an enzyme that clears up bloating!!
    I ate asparagus when I was extremely bloated last week and I woke up the next day back to normal!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Any I have a lot of sodium the scale will go up for like 2 days then as I workout, eat clean, and drink a lot of water it comes right off.
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    There was a couple days I got on the scale and I weighed 3 more pounds than what I should have. My Sodium was to high, I retained some water and it was screwing up things for me. I would have never believed it if this didn't happen in my diet. So I gave up diet soda, juice everything but water. The next few days I was back to my normal weight. I'm happy to report since I cut down the Sodium this has not happened to me again. So to the person who said there is no way this could all be retaining water and so on. That person is wrong, I know because this happened to me. This really aggravated me but I noticed some other things since giving up soda, crackers I love crackers, But giving up these things my skin is looking better and for some odd reason since kicking the soda habit, I feel better.

    There is going to be days where you will go over your Sodium or your fat and sugar or even protein. Could be because of a party, family reunion, and so forth. I think it's okay as long as it doesn't happen often. I have lost 32 pounds and have had days where I went over. I have not gained any of that 32 pounds back. We are human sometimes there just isn't enough time in a day to get done what we need too, and eat as healthy as we want.
  • karisamh
    karisamh Posts: 25 Member
    What type of protein have you added and how much per day? my dietitian said i should get 90grams/day.
  • karisamh
    karisamh Posts: 25 Member
    I disagree with much of what the others said. "Starvation mode" is real but it doesn't make you gain weight. It makes you lose weight a little bit slower. Are you recording EVERYTHING you eat? And drink? Are you overstating your exercise?

    If you're being 100% honest with recording the food, and you're eating only 1,500 calories (forget exercise - and by that I mean, DO IT but don't record it, just ignore it on this site because it very much overestimates calories burned) you'll lose weight. There is no way you won't.

    Hey thanks for your reply.....yes I'm being honest. I wear a heart rate monitor in order to be sure. I record my exercise but if I burn for instance 500 cal. MFP adds 500 cal that I am allowed to eat. I generally don't do that. I will friend you and you can see my food and exercise.
  • oohh2Bskinny
    it is the Chinese... all that sodium... just flush your system today.... drink lots of water... don't get discouraged...
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    One post I read says that a gallon of water weighs 8.4 pounds. So all that sodium holding onto the water can easily add weight.

    I loved that post, especially when I could relate to having lost over 4 gallons worth of weight! Really puts it into perspective if you try carrying a couple gallons of water around for more than 5 minutes.
  • karisamh
    karisamh Posts: 25 Member
    I truly appreciate everyone responding!!!! Any and all help/ideas are truly more than welcome. Also if you would like you can send me a freind request....the more support the better I think, because there is someone to be accountable to (besides myself)
    Thank you everyone!
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    First, water. I also drink green tea in the a.m. and then a detox tea at night before bed, I love The Republic of Tea's "Get Clean". You will pee a few times at night...but you will also see a difference. You need to flush your system. Case and point: I ate a ton of fried food this weekend and too much salt. 11 bottles of water and detox tea last night and I dropped 2 pounds from yesterday a.m. to just a few minutes ago. Awesome. NOT eat your exercise calories back. Think of your calories as a bank account, you want money in it everyday right? Exercise is a deposit, food is a whithdrawl. Deficits are good. 500 a day will leave you about a pound lighter at the end of the week. So I not eat your exercise calories back. Proper fuel is what matters the most.

    I was stuck for a loooong time at the same number. I started thinking in carbs, fats, and proteins when making a plate and that helped a ton in fueling my body properly. I also started weighing myself everyday and tweeked my diet until I found the right groove for my body. I also workout 6x per week, at about 90 minutes a day total. I was heavy on the cardio, and light on the weights...but am now going to change it up and go more for the weights and strength. Changing up your routine every 10 days or so will keep your body guessing and challenge it.

    I have lost almost 10 pounds in just a handful of weeks, so I know that this works for me. I am not starving all the time, I stick to my 1200 per day, I have a calorie deficit of 700-sometimes even 1500 at the end of the day; I change up my routine every 2 weeks...and I drink water like crazy, and drink tea twice per day. But everyone is different and you need to find what works for you. My diary is open to my friends, send me a request if you want to see exactly what I am doing. Good luck!!

    You could be my twin! Agree with all points, as all points have worked for me (over 100lbs worth of(f) me :)) x
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    First, water. I also drink green tea in the a.m. and then a detox tea at night before bed, I love The Republic of Tea's "Get Clean". You will pee a few times at night...but you will also see a difference. You need to flush your system. Case and point: I ate a ton of fried food this weekend and too much salt. 11 bottles of water and detox tea last night and I dropped 2 pounds from yesterday a.m. to just a few minutes ago. Awesome. NOT eat your exercise calories back. Think of your calories as a bank account, you want money in it everyday right? Exercise is a deposit, food is a whithdrawl. Deficits are good. 500 a day will leave you about a pound lighter at the end of the week. So I not eat your exercise calories back. Proper fuel is what matters the most.

    I was stuck for a loooong time at the same number. I started thinking in carbs, fats, and proteins when making a plate and that helped a ton in fueling my body properly. I also started weighing myself everyday and tweeked my diet until I found the right groove for my body. I also workout 6x per week, at about 90 minutes a day total. I was heavy on the cardio, and light on the weights...but am now going to change it up and go more for the weights and strength. Changing up your routine every 10 days or so will keep your body guessing and challenge it.

    I have lost almost 10 pounds in just a handful of weeks, so I know that this works for me. I am not starving all the time, I stick to my 1200 per day, I have a calorie deficit of 700-sometimes even 1500 at the end of the day; I change up my routine every 2 weeks...and I drink water like crazy, and drink tea twice per day. But everyone is different and you need to find what works for you. My diary is open to my friends, send me a request if you want to see exactly what I am doing. Good luck!!

    You could be my twin! Agree with all points, as all points have worked for me (over 100lbs worth of(f) me :)) x
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    O.o Drink some water, tada, problem fixed.