I need motivation!

Hi everyone,

I'm not completely new to MFP, but I am new to the forums, and I thought I'd check them out to see whether there are any tips to help me sort out this weight loss issue I have.

I'm 36 years old and married with two children who are now 4 and 3. I was always a slim size 12 until I fell pregnant, and by the time both my boys were born (18 months apart), I'd put on 6 stone. Personally, I blame it on the ginger beer! ;-) Great for preventing sickness - not so good for the waistline!!

Anyway, my youngest son turned 3 two weeks ago and it really is about time I lost the weight again. I'm 6'5 and weight 13st 10lbs (around 192lbs), so I have just under four stone to lose. I'm a cop, so you'd think I'd be really active, but after I got promoted two years ago I never get out from behind my desk. I know that it's bad form to blame lack of weight loss on having no time, but I really don't seem to have any to myself at all - so even fitting in a few exercise sessions is hard work. We've got a family holiday to Florida coming up and because everyone who is going with us is really skinny, I'm having recurring nightmares involving swimming pools and skimpy bikinis!

If anyone has some really good tips that would fit into my lifestyle and help me get motivated, I'd love to hear them!



  • jame_104
    jame_104 Posts: 57 Member
    I am fortunate (or maybe not) enough that my kids are older now so I can work out early in the morning. You probably have close to no free time with little ones that age. Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred are really good. There are short, to the point and get the job done. Total body work out. Take measurements if you start it because sometimes the scales doesn't show the inches you lose. Good luck!!!