feed a what starve a what?

i've been a little ill this week. every morning i have dragged myself out of bed but crawled back for another hour. luckily i am working lates this week so it doesn;t matter.
just wondering when you get a cold or flu you do something different?. i though i might be able to exercise it out lol or do you chill for the week and eat less?
i was so miserable yesterday at work with no food that i went to the chinese and had curry rice and chips in a tray and man that cheered me right up but today feeling a little better im like what?!!!! dumba** im getting so close overall with my goals but i have been over and around 12st 3 for weeks now. i really thought after getting into the exercise thing last week that things would change but feeling ill is kiling me. i did five minutes on the bike this morning before feeling so tired i nearly passed out. (drama queen i know).
what do you do when you are ill.
plus its gone form like 17-18 degress C 54F i suppose to in the 80's in like a week so its so hot every where my head feels like it might explode (yes i did say i was a drama queen).
sorta male venting going on here lol.
also one more thing. could this be my body saying welcome to the world of exercise lol i erally haven;t done anything till now.
im going to go hide round the back of the office now and do star jumps till the calorie counter stop saying minus figures lol


  • Toddy67
    Toddy67 Posts: 24
    Feed a cold, Starve a fever, and no overdoing the exercise with either! Your body is letting you know you need rest while it uses its strength to attack whatever it is you are ailing with.
    Hope its not Man flu LOL

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I think you feed everything...:wink: there isn't a cold or fever that won't get better with a little comfort food..."unless your throwing up," then starve:sick: ..... don't push the exercise until you have your strength back, and man or woman, we all need to vent every now and again. so go for it.....:wink:
    You have a good day today .
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    cheers. probably man flu lol. better than swine lol.
    well im feeling better tonight than yesterday
    will lay off the exercise till i get my man power back woo!!
  • maszive
    maszive Posts: 8
    LOTS AND LOTS of Vitamin C!! Eat lots of Veggies and Orange Juice!!