Question for those women who had hysterectomy

I had a partial hysterectomy 2 weeks ago and have done very well healing. I am starting to walk more and wanted to know what types things you found that were successful after surgery and how long before you started doing light exercise.


  • tinas_68
    Hi. I'm 11 weeks out from total abdominal hysterectomy. I wasn't really able to start walking until about 3-4 weeks, due to how extensive the surgery was. What I did was only walked; I felt it was the best way to get some sort of exercise and heard it helps in healing. At first I walked really slow for only about 15 minutes because it hurt. I built on it every day, either faster or longer. I had to ice a lot afterwards. Really listen to what your doctor says regarding lifting restrictions. Listen to your body, that's really important. If it hurts to walk longer or faster, back off, if you don't you could have a setback. At my 6 week visit my doctor gave me the green to resume all activities, including my triathlon training, because everything was completely healed. I believe I healed up so well because I didn't over do it and just listened to my body. I still do, if it hurts to bike or jog...I back off on the helps. I hope this helps you some. Good luck!
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    I had a vaginal hyster and was able to start riding my spin bike at about week 4. I felt like I could've started around week 2 but at my post-op appt my surgeon said no way. I finally listened to a doc for once in my life and waited it out. I was adviced to not do any jogging/running or ab work until after week 6 and to forgo strength training for 4-6 months.
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    I´m just into my fifth week since having a SAH on 20th January and searched the boards for some advise about starting to exercise again as apart from a very small amount of walking I haven´t been able to face anything yet.
    Thank you for posting the question and for the helpful answers :flowerforyou:
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I had a partial lap in December. I would wait until your dr. clears you to resume all activity before doing more than walking. Listen to your body. doing too much too early could cause adhesions and lead to additional surgery or living with pain. You could also mess up your healing and end up back in the hospital.

    I still have enough discomfort that I am not exercising too strenuously. I had a 10 lb weight limit until 6 weeks and have only made to about 20 lbs now, anything more and I still hurt.

    A great place for hyster support is .
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I did Hip Hop Abs after 2 weeks, and was released to go back to running 3 weeks after surgery. However, I'm the not the norm. My surgery was flawless and I could have gone straight home from the hospital. (Dr. Referred to it as textbook perfect) I'd say be cautious as to what you do, overdoing it can be a hernia which is a great length of recovery. I didn't lift weights until 5 weeks post surgery. And I was back to regular full exercise with normal expected results by 6 weeks.

    I do have to say the best side effect of my surgery was the flat super flat stomach I'd never had before and I was able to lose 20 additional lbs after surgery.

    Make sure you get your hormones tested via saliva testing - it's the key to keeping me feeling great.
  • familytime
    I agree, is a great site for information. Like the others said, listen to your body and don't push yourself right now. Surgery is stressful on your body, and it requires much more protein and calories to heal after surgery. Walking is a great form of exercise. Some days will be better than others, but before you know it, you'll be all healed and better than before.
  • jmsladky
    jmsladky Posts: 46
    Thanks. I may start walking a tad. Today is 4 weeks out!! Yippee!! I just feel my body is going to mush!
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I had total hysterectomy (laproscopy) and the surgery was flawless. I never had pain or discomfort. I started walking the same day of my surgery slowly. Walking is the best exercise for a few weeks. I avoided lifting weights for 6 months as I had heard the cases where people rush to get back to normal activities and end up with complications like hernia and prolapsed bladder etc., Give time to the body to completely heal. Your doctor's advise is the best advise.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    The great thing about walking is it is easy to go slow, stop and rest etc. I think lifting is the biggest thing to watch out for. I have been feeling pretty good the last couple weeks and increased my exercise to moderate aerobics. I feel my incisions a bit but not bad. Well, this weekend I needed to move stuff around the barn and up stairs etc. Spent most of the day moving stuff. I can still feel it, my incisions are burning and achy. So now I'm back to Wii fit rather than aerobics.

    I do some light weights but don't plan on anything heavy until I hit at least 6 months.
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    I started walking within days, started out slow and short distances then built up. I wasn't cleared for any weight training or more aggressive exercise for 4 weeks.