food pusher

My husband is a sweetheart in so many ways, but I don't understand why he know' s I am watching my calories try's to force me to eat stuff like cookies & chips, encourages me to actually, I ran out of the room today when he tried to get me to eat one of the cookies out of the pkg he bought... I am a bit chubby, but not fat, if that makes sense. Could he possibly be trying to sabotage me?


  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Sounds like he is, maybe he's worried he will have to start too?

    My hubby started a few months after me and he used to eat bad stuff in front of me, but he wouldn't try to get me to eat it, I used to give him death stares anyway!
  • solskinnzombie
    solskinnzombie Posts: 122 Member
    It is because he thinks you are perfect the way you are, which is true. Explain that you just want to improve the quality of your health and he should understand that better than if it is primarily relating to changing your physical appearance.
  • honeydoozy
    honeydoozy Posts: 46 Member
    Oh, I can *totally* relate to this!!!!

    Mine is terrible at night - especially late nights. He decides he's hungry at 11pm, and he can get to the Taco Bell quickly, and wouldn't *I* like something yummy??!?! I say, "no thanks, I'm good". ARE YOU SURE?, wouldn't a cheesy gordita crunch be really tasty right now?? Or some tacos?? YUMMMMM. And I say, "NO, really... I'm fine." Oh, but c'mon... if you said you wanted something, I'd totally get it for you - what do you want??

    Grrrrrrr. :angry:

    Sabotage. All. The. Time.

    I do not think it's because he is trying to sabotage my diet, or that he doesn't want me to have success. I think it's because it's something that we *used* to share, or it's a way that he can show affection or something.

    Then again, sometimes I wonder if he's threatened by my success...hmmm....:huh:
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I dunno if it's sabotage, maybe he's a bit threatened, wondering why you're trying to change when he likes you just the way you are. Guys can get awfully insecure if they think their partner is trying to look better. Worst case scenario they think you're cheating on them or looking elsewhere. Most cases though I'd say it's just habit, if you used to sit and eat goodies together it might take a while for him to get used to the fact that you're watching your diet.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Oh, I can *totally* relate to this!!!!

    Mine is terrible at night - especially late nights. He decides he's hungry at 11pm, and he can get to the Taco Bell quickly, and wouldn't *I* like something yummy??!?! I say, "no thanks, I'm good". ARE YOU SURE?, wouldn't a cheesy gordita crunch be really tasty right now?? Or some tacos?? YUMMMMM. And I say, "NO, really... I'm fine." Oh, but c'mon... if you said you wanted something, I'd totally get it for you - what do you want??

    Grrrrrrr. :angry:

    Sabotage. All. The. Time.

    I do not think it's because he is trying to sabotage my diet, or that he doesn't want me to have success. I think it's because it's something that we *used* to share, or it's a way that he can show affection or something.

    Then again, sometimes I wonder if he's threatened by my success...hmmm....:huh:

    That's not sabotage. That's being a pure, straight up a-hole.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    My husband is a sweetheart in so many ways, but I don't understand why he know' s I am watching my calories try's to force me to eat stuff like cookies & chips, encourages me to actually, I ran out of the room today when he tried to get me to eat one of the cookies out of the pkg he bought... I am a bit chubby, but not fat, if that makes sense. Could he possibly be trying to sabotage me?

    I don't think he's trying to sabotage you on purpose. Maybe try explaining that it's more of a health thing than an appearance thing, and that eating healthily makes you happy and feel good.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Well, theres a couple of things. I come from a culture where food is related to love alot. The old ladies will forcefully and shamelessly keep putting food in your plate till you almost snap. In this situation, I try to eat at the pace of a snail and try to stay low key against them.

    However, thats mostly at gathering. I cannot avoid those situations because those crazy ladies dont get to feed me everyday. In your situation the solution is simple, yet harsh.

    Simply tell him, that while you love him and love that he loves to share, if he truly loved you, he would respect you enough to not offer food since you're on a diet to live a healthier life and support you. I, as a man, would respect your wishes personally and back off. Ofcourse, it might prove challenging to him too since he might not be used to it so be patient with him too :)
  • Jbear1967
    thanks to everyone that posted. My husband actually looks great, not overweight at all... He always tell's me I look fine, sexy, etc. & don't need to lose any weight, but also mentioned here & there that he likes skinny girls... which hurts. I am 5'2 and weigh 130 right now, I am small boned, and I want to weigh 120, if not 115. That is what I used to weigh & could eat whatever I wanted before my metabolism did a 360 on me... Anyway, he literally tried to force this cookie at my mouth and I left the room. I do think he may worry I will lose weight and look better... I am wondering if that is it!