Money & Food

How much money are you spending per week on food, that has helped you loose weight


  • smcfaye
    smcfaye Posts: 15 Member
    That is a really hard question. With a family of 4, our grocery bill is one of our largest expenses. However, even if a "low-cal" pre-package food is on sale, it is still loaded with sodium and things and we can't say or spell. So, I try to buy a lot of "whole" foods and break them into smaller packages. When I am on track, I try to cook and divide it into individual packages and place them in the freezer. That way there is always something "healthy" to eat. And I try to make a weekly menu, that way I am able not only to control our food budget, but any "extra calorie" splurges.
  • jbdowns35
    I seem to be saving money since I've been eating healthy. I think cuz I've been planning my meals for each week & basing my menu on whatever produce I can 'score' that weekend. I think of my veggie as the main part of my meal & then plan around it. I'm eating less meat, which is cheaper. Instead of the typical starchy side dish, I either eat twice as much veggies, add a salad, or a yam. I always shop for produce first, farmer's markets, I watch sales adds, etc. I shop mainly at Aldi's - the best damn grocery store on the planet & I seriously pitty the people that don't have one in their area. This place seriously saves me money AND I love their products.

    Planning for each week has been the key to saving money for me. I'm not buying things I don't need, only the things I know I'll be using. It has taken some trial & error to really get a system down. I started out by planning out 3 or 4 days of meals & always fitting in a 'leftover day'. Now I plan for the entire week, shop on Saturday & Spend a few hours on Sunday prepping meals. Sometimes I cook entire meals in advance, or atleast chop veggies, cut up fruits & put into containers for lunches during the week, etc. It does eat up alot of time on the weekends, but during the week, the free time I get back is worth it. I am able to come home after work everyday & easily fit in a good work out & not have to worry about what's for dinner. I'm eating healthier, saving money, & have plenty of time for my workouts, along with some 'me' time each evening.
  • lissamok
    Same here, I realized that after eating healthier and exhibiting some serious portion control, I have saved money. A week on average for me (please bear in mind I eat about 1200 calories a day) is $20-$25 dollars. Of course, cleaning out all the cupboards of the junk food and restocking cost me more than that, but I saw it as an investment. I do eat the same thing 99% of the time though, so I'm not sure if that is the reason why it costs me less.

    I also find that eating 3 oz of lean protein has helped me save tremendously because you can really portion out the meat you buy on sale and freeze the portions you don't need right away. Be sure to label the bags and boxes so you know what to eat first and put the older things in the front with newer things in the back.

    I should add that with my terrible eating habits of pure junk food, drive thrus, delivery, etc I would probably spend $20-$25 per meal so my results may not be typical.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I have three teen-age boys who eat everything that isn't nailed down. Thus, I see no correlation between changing my eating habits and our grocery bill.
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    Old habits I used to spend an average of $100 per week on groceries for my household. Now with changed eating habits (much healthier ones!) we spent an average of $70 per week.
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    For my husband, son (5 yr old) and myself we spent about $600 a month so $150 a week
  • jyow01
    jyow01 Posts: 123 Member
    There are five in my family two boys we shop at Aldi I will also pick up a few things from the other big grocery stores if they are on sale. I typically spend between 70.00 to 80.00 a week.
  • rjbalcer
    Honestly, I don't pay attention to what I spend on food...I know I should!! I also, shop at ALDI and get the staples there then go elsewhere for what I can't find. Aldi has great frozen vegies, fruits, fish, and their line of Fit and Active products are darn good!
    I find that food prep is vital so I can grab healthy options. The only thing that is super expensive is the Pure Protein 100% Whey Protein powder which i use if I don't have time to make anything else and I make it with Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk. The protein powder is $20 at Walmart for a large jug of it that lasts awhile.
  • ldbldg
    :drinker: I want to thank everyone for their input! I am now very curious to find if we have an ALDI's near by, seeing that everyone swears by it!