Beach Body Les Mills Pump? At home version

I ordered the Les Mills Pump workout today from Beach Body. I have a lot of weight to lose and thought this would be a great resistance training workout that will aid in fat loss. Anyone have any experience with this at home version?


  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
  • Hi,

    No I don't have personal experience with it, but a few of my FB friends are doing it, and it seems like it's fun and tough.
  • Neekie11
    Neekie11 Posts: 6 Member
    I'll just be starting tonight. Looking forward to it!
  • I LOVE Les Mills Bodypump! I did some classes at the gym, but they upped the rates, so I was thrilled they are now offering an at home version. The DVD's are very well constructed, and the cuing makes it very easy to use. I do some version every single day. It is the one workout that I can actually stick with. I am on day 6, and I am already getting comments about my improved fitness. Good luck with yours!
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    I LOVE Les Mills Bodypump! I did some classes at the gym, but they upped the rates, so I was thrilled they are now offering an at home version. The DVD's are very well constructed, and the cuing makes it very easy to use. I do some version every single day. It is the one workout that I can actually stick with. I am on day 6, and I am already getting comments about my improved fitness. Good luck with yours!
    I still haven't started yet. Beach Body failed to send me the safety collars for the barbell. I called and had them send me the collars but they sent me two different ones and one wouldn't close. Called back on Monday and was told that two sets of collars were being sent to me 2nd dy air. I still have not received them. Sat on hold for 30 minutes yesterday trying to get someone in customer service only to find out they weren't shipped until yesterday. Not a fan of Beach Body at all!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
  • chcoley
    chcoley Posts: 63 Member
    I go to Body Pump at the gym twice a week...I didn't realize there was an at home version!!! Going to check that out right now! LOOOOVE Body Pump!!!
  • allisonmrichard
    allisonmrichard Posts: 64 Member
    My mom just ordered it! I'm still at school until May 12th but when I'm done, I'm planning on doing the 90 day program. It looks hard but really, really good! I'm expecting awesome results. :)