Dr's Orders: very low carb diet... Anyone else following thi



  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    I have to run so short post, I will try and respond later in more detail with some other ideas but you must check out Spaghetti Squash - simply cut it in half (not lengthwise) and bake with cut side down in over until tender like a baked potato (about 25-40 min depending on size).

    When done, carefully take a fork and loosen the strands away from the sides without breaking them and spoon into a bowl. Add your favorite pasta sauce and voila - vegetarian spaghetti.

    This has got me though many a carb craving and you'd be amazed at how much you can eat for low calories too.

    Hope this helps.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I am sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with type II Diabetes. I don't have diabetes, but I did at one point have insulin resistance (which leads to prediabetes) and used Metformin for it. I fixed my blood sugar issues by exercising (cardio) daily, especially after dinner, my largest meal, and I have normal blood sugar/insulin response now =) No more medications.

    I didn't consciously cut carbs (I'm sorry you've been instructed to do this), but I started adding in foods that are known to help your body regulate blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity. For example, cinnamon, onions (which contain chromium), oyster mushrooms (which have been used to make statin drugs), and buckwheat are all excellent foods you could consider eating more of to help your body heal itself. Buckwheat is not a grain, it is a fruit seed! It's a very good rice replacement, but it does contain some carbs. To me, though, the benefit was worth it, if you are able to fit it into your diet safely.

    Keep your chin up! It might be tough now but if you can lose some weight and make time for daily cardio and include blood sugar regulating foods in your diet, you don't necessarily have to have diabetes forever! It IS reversible with good lifestyle changes. Good luck!
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    LOL...megan524fedde great minds think alike - isn't spaghetti squash a life saver when you need something like pasta but can't have it?
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    If you go to "Groups" on here you can do a search. There's a Low Carber Daily Forum group, a Keto group, and a la via low carb group. You might also get some good tips in the Paleo/Primal group (although not strictly low carb).
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I am seeing an endocrinologist, dietitian and diabetic specialist in my area. The three doctors work hand in hand sharing an office. They are aware of my health condition and have done various tests. I will go to them every 4 weeks for weight and coaching and will start regular checkups every 3 months for testing and monitor my sugar and overall progress.

    Then it definitely looks like you've got your bases covered! I really hope that this works for you! I'm an experienced low-carber, and the first 3-5 days are the worst for me, getting over the carb cravings.... Best of luck to you!
  • Zumbaeng
    Zumbaeng Posts: 28 Member
    gonna add you as a buddy so we can share more stuff =):wink: