Trying to get back in shape....

Its been a year since Ive been in the Marine Corps and Ive lost some of my motivation of getting in shape. I work for FedEx and it takes most of my time and energy during the day. Any tips on how to snap back into a good workout routine?


  • theresa029
    but you're already in shape! lol look at your photo :)
  • rainbowbuggy
    Its been a year since Ive been in the Marine Corps and Ive lost some of my motivation of getting in shape. I work for FedEx and it takes most of my time and energy during the day. Any tips on how to snap back into a good workout routine?

    OMG if that is a current photo...I am not sure what you need to change! look awesome!
  • danielpinkney
    danielpinkney Posts: 44 Member
    I've got my own businesses and family commitments (have my kids 3 times a week) so find it difficult to get that much training in. Have recently bought a book called 'You are Your Own Gym' (plus the iPhone app too) which has 125 'bodyweight' exercises (and variations thereof) - also military based which might be of interest to you. This gives me routines that I can do at home when the kids are in bed or when I get a spare hour during the day. It's good to have something like this so I can supplement the training when I can't make the gym or go for a run. Link for the book is - check out the reviews :)
  • BrianSkelton72
    Much appreciated! I usually work from 7 to 7 and go to school 2 nights a week. This is a huge help! I'll post later and share results. Thanks again.
  • BrianSkelton72
    That was a few months ago Ive put on 20 lbs since then. Time to step my game up.