how do u get up n go in the am???



  • valleyofbaca
    valleyofbaca Posts: 4 Member
    I was a classic snooze button procrastinator and would roll from the bed straight to the shower without a spare minute to get ready and leave. My solution wasn't intentional but has been a huge benefit! Through a set of time management circumstances I wound up getting my daughter's dog full time and he now lives with me . Since I work during the day, I began getting up and walking him at 5:30 every morning because a. I live in a walk friendly neighborhood and b. I felt sorry for him, not because I needed the exercise (but I do). As it turns out, I wouldn't dare miss one single day now, even on the weekends. We walk briskly for 20-25 minutes each morning 7 days a week. A little later on Sat & Sun. It's quiet, it sets my metabolism for the day, it energizes me. Get a dog. :-)
  • Gwynnda
    Have a couple of glasses of water and eat an apple. It gives you more than 2 cups of coffee and then you will have your energy to work out.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I've tried numerous times to become a morning person like I was back when I was in High School...Since I started college mornings = hell. If you find the secret, please tell me! Lol
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I get up at 4:15 to be at the gym by 5am. As others have mentioned, getting to bed to allow yourself 7-8 hours of sleep.
    I lay my workout clothes the night before - right beside my alarm clock which is across the room so, I have to get up to turn it off. I get dressed and get a cup of coffee in me - sometimes I will have a light snack before I hit the gym. The big thing is time management for me... i.e. not getting on facebook or checking email as I wake up - as it sucks the time away.

    It takes a few weeks to adopt the mindset but it works-- for me anyway.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    If you can, find someone to go with you in the morning. Misery definitely loves company early in the morning. Personally, I found that doing fitness classes in the morning were easiest for me to make. If I just want to go to the gym, it takes alot to get me motivated.

    Try going to bed earlier than normal. If you can't have a short nap short I mean no longer than 20-30 minutes. You would be surprised what it can do to refresh you!

    Good Luck!
  • ajrulo
    ajrulo Posts: 50
    Personally, I get my gym clothes ready the night before, and when the alarm goes off, I stumble out of bed, put them on, hair in a ponytail and out of the house on my way to the gym. If I let myself stay in bed, I talk myself out of it.
    When adjusting your "wake up" time.. set the alarm for 8 instead of 9, and for a week.. just get up. Don't work out, just simply get out of bed and start your day. Once you get that down for a week, add in the workout. It has worked for me in the past when I needed to get up earlier.