how do u get up n get ready to work out in the am???

im a nite owl and hope to get in my workouts in the am before i go to work at do u get up n get ready n awake to workout....i can barely function before ive had a shower...and never am im usually out of bed before 9.....(but obviously i dont want to shower before my workout...)...any suggestions & or tips to changing my time of workout....??? anyone done the same?...(i know just do it) but any help greatly appreciated...i think even if i got up early i dont think i could even know what i was doing till 9am....i just know after i get out of work i dont usually want to work out when i get home at 930pm....but i want to make sure i get a workout in at least 5 days a week...HELP thanks in advance...(ps..only asking about the early thing is cuz if i have things to do before work i dont want to feel rushed...and by 3pm im sure ill be exhausted...)


  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Well, I think you know the answer. You have to pick a time and do it. Make sure you are doing something you like. Have your breakfast and then go do it. There really is no secret to making yourself do it other than the knowledge that you want to. I didn't look at your diary so I am assuming that you are eating breakfast. If not, adding that in may help you have the energy to go and do it. I am not real religious about it but when I do it I have lots of exercise DVD's that I can vary so not to get bored. When the weather gets warmer I will go out and walk more. Good luck.
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    I'm curious about this, too. I'm up at 6 but I'd love to get a 1/2 hour or so of exercise in first thing in the morning. It would fit my schedule better but I feel like it's almost a wasted workout because I have no energy that early. I'd love to hear some suggestions.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I am not a morning person. With all I have to do in the mornings, I have to get up at 4:30. I am still half asleep when I start pedaling on my stationary bike. After a couple of minutes though, I am awake and going full force.
  • JenSkinLaPierre
    JenSkinLaPierre Posts: 54 Member
    if I know I'm going to have a hard time getting myself going in the morning, I sleep in my work out clothes. True story. My shoes are on the floor next to my bed. I slip them on and go. No excuses when I wake up dressed to work out. :)
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Mostly you just have to decide to do it. I always lay out my workout clothes the night before, including my bag with water bottle, ipod, wallet, keys, etc. Partly so I can get dressed and out of the house in the least amount of time possible, partly so I don't wake up my wife. I set the alarm. On days that I'm struggling, I just remind myself that even if I shut off the alarm, I probably won't fall back asleep right away, so in reality I've still gotten up early, but will then have nothing to show for it. It's all mental stuff.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    1. Set the alarm
    2. Get your butt out of bed when the alarm goes off

    I am a night owl by nature and I have to force myself out of bed every morning. It does not get easier as time goes on. You have to make the decision to do it and then keep making that decision every day. I wish there were a better answer to make all of our lives easier but there isn't. A wise man once said "Do or Do not. There is no try."
  • No secret answer - just get up and do it. As time goes by you will get used to it
  • darlajean2382
    darlajean2382 Posts: 7 Member
    I have my alarm set to an upbeat song. That seems to help.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Get a dog!!!! No options- always needs a walk out, gets me up at 6am. No rest days though!
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    You have to do what works best for you and what you are going to have better luck sticking with.

    I don't have a set time for my workout. On days that I'm working the opening/day shift I workout when I get home from work. I get dinner going and do my workout while the hubby keeps an eye on things. Sometimes I do it after dinner. We have our nightly shows we watch so I have my bike set up by the TV and hop on. Sometimes I do two different chunks of time a day.

    On days that I'm working later I get up and have my cup of coffee. Than I jump on my bike or pop in a DVD and get my workout done before work.

    On days that I'm off I do it whenever as I have more flexibility.

    If you hate getting up early and working out in the morning you probably won't stick to it. If you are a night owl do your workout at night.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    Get a dog!!!! No options- always needs a walk out, gets me up at 6am. No rest days though!

    SO TRUE!!! you get so much extra exercise with a dog! You can make excuses for yourself to not work out, but that little doggy always needs to go on a walk =)
  • merB89
    merB89 Posts: 122
    get a work out buddy! Someone who you know will be at the gym when you are who you can't let down. Keep each other accountable. If I know I'm doing a workout with someone else I am much less likely to cancel it.
  • Yep it all boils down to just doing it!! I was getting up at 4:00 am (only time to get a workout in) and I had to have a talk with myself the night before (no not out loud) and make a no excuses and I just had to DO IT!!!!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Get a dog!!!! No options- always needs a walk out, gets me up at 6am. No rest days though!
    this helped me this morning. lol. My alarm went off (I put it across the room so I HAVE to get out of bed to turn it off). I was going to crawl back into bed this morning for "5 more minutes," but my dog barked at me...she needed to go out.

    Then I just threw on workout clothes, ponytail, let her out, put my work clothes in my gym bag (it's packed most of the way the night before with my shower stuff - I just don't put my clothes in till last minute to avoid any more wrinkles). Let dog back in, feed her, then leave to go to the gym.

    I'm lucky that my hubby doesn't have to go to work until later -he drops the kids off to school.
  • CrazyHedgehog
    CrazyHedgehog Posts: 30 Member
    I started swimming last year at 7am before work, however I have got lazy and stopped.
    last night I prepared a lunch in three parts,
    1. a chopped salad with lots of peppers, radishes and celery, loaded with black pepper and a splash of vinegar.
    2. 100g of brie :love:
    3. 200g new potatoes with 1tbs of garlic dressing.

    If I went swimming before work, I got all 3,:bigsmile:
    if not, I was only allowing myself to take the chopped salad!:frown:

    Bribery with cheese, works for me..

    I was in the pool by 7:05am!!:happy:
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    I'm at the gym by 5am for my workouts. All it takes is an apple and an energy drink for me.


    Advice is worth exactly what you pay for it!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    you just have to do it, you don't sleep through your alarm when it's set for work, so treat it like a job. There are some people though that work out better at night, you should try different things and see what works best.
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Getting up is the hardest part...I hate waking up early but I just tell myself, I HAVE to do this for ME! Once I'm up and moving, I'm ok...I can do it no problem...esp when I get to the gym and see everyone else working out.
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    This morning was my first morning waking up early to get to the gym.

    I found that getting everything ready the night before made it easier on me. All I had to do was roll out of bed and slip into the clothes I laid out (although I technically could have gone in my PJ's even). No thinking involved. Gotta just do it! The hardest part is getting out of bed. Once you do that, it's cake :P
  • I faced all of the same hurdles! I've just recently found the trick for myself. I had to find an exercise I enjoy doing! For me, it's Turbo Jam videos. I enjoy them so much that I look forward to doing them and it makes it easier to get up. I also fix myself something good to drink- maybe a flavored water or (occasionally) a Diet Pepsi or iced tea if I'm dragging! I don't do it every day, but I feel great when i do!