I'm New and Ready!

Hello everyone. I am ready to get on with this weight loss thing. I am so tired of the yo-yo dieting and I believe I just need the tools to make weight loss success happen. I'm 43, married, mother of 4 (20, 18, 15, & 8). I am a Christian and work in ministry. Looking forward to meeting you.


  • rumsuck8
    rumsuck8 Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome! feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for friends and support. good luck on your journey!!
  • mpattill
    Hi! I am new to the site also. I just got a smart phone and downloaded the app to my phone which is awesome. I am 47, mom of six (all grown) with eight grandchildren (ages 3 to 18). Okay I know that is hard to believe but mine is a blended family so two of mine and four of his on the children. I was the youngest grandma on my block so that was cool! Anyway, welcome and it look forward to future communications!
  • EdParry818
    Hello! I am new here also. Been 300#+ for several years now. Was a skinny kid, teen and young man. Weight came on in my mid to late 40's and now I am 53. I walk at least 5 days a week for 40+ minutes but love to eat. Eat alot of veggies and fruit and yes, I LOVE sweets also! Ice Cream, chocolate, cake, cookies, pies, and fast foods definitely my weaknesses.

    I'd love to get down to 200# or less again and be able to jog, run and / or bike for some distance again. I work out withy weights once or twice a week. Depends how sore and achy it makes me.

    I have 3 grand children and one coming any day now.Another coming early Fall. Woohoo! I love kids.

    I drive a motorcycle and love it. I'm agoraphobic but can get out locally pretty good most days. I miss my weekend riding thru the canyons and coastline here in southern california.

    I wanna be around for my grand kids when they are older.

    I also have a high sodium intake problem, altho my blood pressure is normal. I take paxil and lorazapam daily. The weight seemed to come on a few months after I started those way back.

    I've been as low as 240# (back in 2008ish): Daily treadmill and recumbant bike and (heavy) weights 3-4 times per week did it then. Now I do lite weights (ie: burn calories) and recovery times are slow and it sometimes tweaks my shoulders badly.

    I do not feel poorly but I would like to look better, not be so sensitive to extreme heat (live in the San Fernando Valley outside of Los Angeles) and be confident enuf to ask out some nice ladies.

    Hope I can stick with this sites weight control guide lines.

  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Hello everyone. I am ready to get on with this weight loss thing. I am so tired of the yo-yo dieting and I believe I just need the tools to make weight loss success happen. I'm 43, married, mother of 4 (20, 18, 15, & 8). I am a Christian and work in ministry. Looking forward to meeting you.
    Sent you a Private Message!
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP look forward to meeting you as well.