What exactly is this about?


  • LOL I only know that this is a pregnancy hormone. Am I missing something?
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    **head desk **
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    i have done this diet!!!! it is extreamly hard, and expensive.... however i lost a pound every day i was on it.
  • You get injections of a hormone that is supposed to cause your body to release its fat stores. Pregnant women create this hormone naturally, it helps release the stored fats to help feed the baby.

    BUT while you have these injections, you are supposed to be on a very restrictive 500 calorie a day diet. SO, are you losing because of the HCG or because of the diet? And once you are done losing weight, does it come back?
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Probably one of the stupidest things one can do (in my opinion). It's an unsafe, non-sustainable, and now pretty much illegal diet.

    It is also a forbidden topic on these boards so this thread will soon get locked.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Probably one of the stupidest things one can do (in my opinion). It's an unsafe, non-sustainable, and now pretty much illegal diet.

    It is also a forbidden topic on these boards so this thread will soon get locked.

    Aww that's too bad. I think the information should be out there to warn people how dangerous it is.

    I knew about the 500 calories thing but was confused what the HCG had to do with it.
  • Lauren5280
    Lauren5280 Posts: 67 Member
    Does no one use the search button before posting or are they trying to stir things up?

    ALSO Google is your friend!
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    Nonsense. It's about pure nonsense. Next question! :)
  • Does no one use the search button before posting or are they trying to stir things up?

    ALSO Google is your friend!

    I didn't even know there was a search button. And I don't like google.

    However, I already knew about the HCG diet.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Does no one use the search button before posting or are they trying to stir things up?

    ALSO Google is your friend!

    I figured information from a FITNESS forum was my best bet.

  • unhealthy is what it is. My mom is doing it, and has lost a ton of weight, but I guarantee she will gain alll back once she's done
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    Grabbing the popcorn
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
  • There are such things as forbidden.topics?
  • Grabbing the popcorn

    I wish there was a like button, Gibson76 :)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    **head desk **

  • There are such things as forbidden.topics?

    We should've read the fine print.......
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Grabbing the popcorn

    I have the wine
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I see a weight loss doctor, and she doesn't offer the HCG diet because it doesn't really work. She gets the same results with her diet as she gets with her diet and HCG. So she no longer offers it at all. Plus using hormones for weight loss is now being determined too dangerous. Never should have gotten approved!
  • WickedMouse
    WickedMouse Posts: 343 Member
    Lets calm down, not everyone knows that HCG is dangerous or a faux pas on MFP. It is advertised everywhere.
    Us in here everyday seem to forget there are people that do not live on MFP. Lets all get off our high horses.