Hey guys! Looking for some fitness buddies!!

I'm looking to lose weight, but I have a very difficult time staying motivated and sticking to a routine. I want to lose around 20-30 lbs to bring myself back into my fit and comfy range, and I was looking for someone to go through the process with me in the hopes that it will keep my determination up and my laziness down. So anyone want to help?:smile:


  • mlosesweight
    i'm 5'1, trying to lose 6ish pounds, i run track most days as well so moderately active? good luck :)
  • chuckleswk
    chuckleswk Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'9 and trying to lose close to 50 lbs. I just started counting calories a few days ago, but we have been watching what we eat closely for the past few months. We have decided to goto the "if we can't pronounce it, it's not going into our bodies" theory. We are eating a lot of vegetables and lean meats. Let's motivate each other to do lose it.

    SW: 226
    CW: 223
    GW: 165
  • Kirsti225
    What kind of routine are we talking?
  • feelinubiquitous
    Wow, you guys are quick. I feel like I just posted this! Routine wise, I go to the gym for 2 hrs about 3 times a week and I try to fit in at least an hour of Just Dance on the Wii every day if not two just to keep myself moving and off the couch. I'm going more with moderating portions than getting rid of every food I love. I'm 5' 5". I mainly just need a buddy to help keep me committed to losing the weight.
  • tineekanicole
    Feel free to add me..good luck in your journey!
  • sgonzalesmft
    sgonzalesmft Posts: 1 Member

    My name is Stephanie. I was at 260 when I first started using my fitness pal on November 30th, I am now at 234. I have my settings at 2 pounds a week. I obviously have a lot more weight to lose, but I am trying to focus on eating healthy rather than the losing weight part. I log in my calories, but I don't pre-plan a menu. I just try and eat healthy and then see where I am at by the end of the day.

    I am 45 and have been a compulsive overeater all of my adult life. My sister confronted me about my weight and shared her concern for how much I continued to grow. It was like an "intervention" via email. She talked about how I am slowly killing myself, and that my kids will not get all the energy from me that they deserve because I am so out of shape. My knees hurt, back, and physically I was always run down. Things are getting better overall, and I am eating more fruit than I have ever ate in years and years. I haven't eaten fast food since I started, except today was the first day I blew it. I told my sister today how I feel like i'm losing the focus and the right mentality of eating healthy and not focusing just on staying within my calorie limit and she encouraged me to come here. So here I am.

    I hope this helps and I will try and come around and see how it goes. Thanks for listening.
  • PamRNPC
    I'd love to be your buddy! I'm looking to lose at least 40 pounds, and find that I do really well for a few weeks, then have a not-so-good one. I would benefit from motivation as well. I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine! :)
  • hollroberta
    hollroberta Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm just starting and really need some friends to help me stay motivated. I work 12 hour shifts at a hospital, and I sleep during the day. I can't seem to finish my daily caloric intake. I find myself grazing through the night shift. So, can we help each other out?
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Any of you are free to add me. I lost 130 lbs once before and put 45 back on. I've been doing MFP for about 6 weeks and started with a personal trainer 4 weeks ago. SO far I am down 32lbs and love the tracking tools and all the support this site has to offer.

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