1200 and Hungry

I am new to Myfitnesspal and I'm set at 1200 calories/ day. However, lately, I have found myself hungry late night. I have 23 calories left for the day and I am so Hungry. What can I eat that's not too much over my daily goal of 1200 calories? Thanks!


  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    fresh fruits and veggies. also you should exercise and eat back your exercise calories that should really help :)
  • What does a normal day of eating look like for you? It is most likely that you aren't getting enough bang for your buck calorie wise. Fruits and veggies are very filling foods so try more of those. Also -- water water water! Many times we mistaken hunger for thirst. :)
  • piinchi
    piinchi Posts: 172 Member
    Egg whites are very low in calories but pure protein. Fat free greek yogurt can be very filling, too. You could also make a vegetable soup and freeze it, and heat up a cup when you need something to eat at the end of the day.
  • Thank you :)
  • Warning!
    eating back your workout calories is something to try, but keep in mind it does not work for everyone (myself included).
  • ashiggins
    ashiggins Posts: 144 Member
    I agree with the fruits and veggies, plus eating a little extra when you work out. Also, 1200 cals may be too low for you depending on your height/weight. I'm 5'7" and 157 lbs with about 15 pounds to lose and my trainers tell me that I should absolutely be eating 1800-2000 cals to lose weight (I workout daily). Just something to think about....
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Eat some vegetables! Snacking on peppers, carrots, celery, etc won't put you that much over. Or grill up some bok choy...there are next to know calories in that.

    Also, drink LOTS of water. It will fill you up!
  • What does a normal day of eating look like for you? It is most likely that you aren't getting enough bang for your buck calorie wise. Fruits and veggies are very filling foods so try more of those. Also -- water water water! Many times we mistaken hunger for thirst. :)

    I am trying to drink more water to see if that helps my late night food cravings. Thanks for your reply!
  • Try a small apple and sprinkle a little cinnamon on it. not a lot just a light dusting. yummy! Good luck.
  • Egg whites are very low in calories but pure protein. Fat free greek yogurt can be very filling, too. You could also make a vegetable soup and freeze it, and heat up a cup when you need something to eat at the end of the day.

    Word :)
  • rudzud
    rudzud Posts: 24
    Another possibility is to increase your calory ammount to start with. If you've just started dieting and are use to eating say, 2500 a day (just picking a random number) then cutting it down to 1200 would be setting yourself up for failure. If say it was at 2500, try starting at 1800-2000 to get your body used to eating a bit less, then slowly drop the calories. Or, you could just exercise and eat back the calories.
  • Abbzzz
    Abbzzz Posts: 49
    If you like pickles they are quite low in calories. Pickled onions and gherkins can be a great snack and you won't eat heaps of them because of the vinager.
  • What does a normal day of eating look like for you? It is most likely that you aren't getting enough bang for your buck calorie wise. Fruits and veggies are very filling foods so try more of those. Also -- water water water! Many times we mistaken hunger for thirst. :)

    I am trying to drink more water to see if that helps my late night food cravings. Thanks for your reply!

    Any time!! Tea is a tasty night time drink (herbal, decaf, use 23 calories worth of honey & you're set :) )
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Go for protein and fats to keep you full for longer (veg for bulk too). Also, consider changing your settings to half a pound loss a week (worked better for me). Then, do some exercise and eat back your exercise cals :-)
  • I think the veggies are the way to go. Sounds like a great plan!
  • kathydp
    kathydp Posts: 21 Member
    I eat biggest meal at night about 5:00 pm. It helps me make it. I drink lots of water too.
  • If you like pickles they are quite low in calories. Pickled onions and gherkins can be a great snack and you won't eat heaps of them because of the vinager.

    Loooove pickles! Just make sure you drink loads of water -- there tends to be lots of sodium in pickles :)
  • I eat biggest meal at night about 5:00 pm. It helps me make it. I drink lots of water too.

    Glad that works for you! For me, I would tend to over-eat at that meal if I didn't have much to eat during the day :)
  • SweetProgression
    SweetProgression Posts: 65 Member
    hun pleas remember 1200 is the minimum. People try staying under that and think it's good but the message at the bottom of your food diary after submitting let's you know it's not. Don't be afraid to go a little over if you're still hungry.
  • sedosher
    sedosher Posts: 142 Member
    Personally I can not consume only 1200. No matter what I eat during the day I feel deprived and end up overeating after a few days because I can't do it any longer. :) I also have horrible will power. I have since upped my calories to 1350, and although it is only 150 more calories a day I do so much better. I have also added exercise 6 days a week. I am still experimenting on whether I need to eat my exercise calories or not. Right now I am eating no more then 150 of them, which puts me never going over 1500. So essentially I eat 1350 on the day I don't exercise and 1500 on the days that I do exercise. I have only been doing this for about a week, but so far it seems to suit me way better then 1200.

    Good luck!