


  • mightn
    mightn Posts: 35
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    The protein is low but you are losing - as long as you are losing mostly fat and not too much lean muscle mass. Perhaps you can up the protein a bit and see what happens - even up to 100g.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Yes. If you don't want to fiddle with all the math, you can always just round up to your total body weight in protein, but if you are carrying around a lot of fat that's probably too expensive ;)

    @mightn: no, you're not. If you're heavy lifting you need to LOAD protein to fuel muscle synthesis. More muscle = greater BMR = more calories burned.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Ok, based on your formula, I have a lean body mass of 99.8. Does this mean I should be eating almost 100g of protein per day? And how can I tell if I'm losing fat vs. LBM?

    The only way to tell is to continue to check and re-check your body fat % as you go, but as a general rule, if you are doing any resistance training, you won't lose muscle. There are a lot of sources that say even strength training each muscle group once a week is sufficient to maintain existing muscle.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I just did a quick Lean Body Mass calculation on an online calculator, it just took my height and weight and it gave me this message

    According to your measurements - weight of 248 pounds and height of 6' 6", your lean body mass is estimated to be 181.74 . Since the ideal body fat percentage for men is 15%, your ideal lean body weight is 171.12 pounds. Remember these are guidelines; your physician should help you determine the ideal weight and body fat for you.

    You may be thinking that your lean body mass is your ideal weight or your weight if you were a true "lean machine." Well, it’s not. Your lean body mass is sum of the nonfat parts of your body like muscle, organs, blood and water.

    So should I be looking to have 181 grams of protein a day? MyFitnessPal has me at 66 :ohwell: I usually go over this by a little bit.

    That is a massive difference or am I doing something wrong? I am on a calorie deficit of 1000, eating 1770 a day and have lost 26 pounds in 7 weeks. So I am really happy with my progress. I have done about 3 weeks of heavy lifting after 4 weeks of just cardio.

    Am I eating enough protein?
    You are 6ft 6 and only consuming 66?

    Increase to 180 now!

    Your numbers are off. From your height and weight alone, your maintenance should be higher.
  • tinawharrison
    Scientifically protein is worked out by your bodyweight in kg x 0.75. MFP sets this too low! For example: 100kg x 0.75 = 75g of protein. This is what I aim for, especially on exercise days.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    You should ideally be eating ~1g of protein per lb of lean body mass; mfp's protein numbers are insane.

    Please don't think I'm an idiot, but how do I calculate that? What exactly is "lean body mass"?

    Body Fat in lbs. =
    (Total Bodyweight) (Body Fat Percentage (in decimal form))

    Lean Body Mass =
    Total Bodyweight - Body Fat in lbs.

    So someone who weighs 173 pounds with a body fat percentage of 17.5% would calculate as follows:

    (173)(.175) =

    30.3 lbs. of body fat

    173 - 30.3 =

    142.7 LBM

    I should also add that watching your lean body mass, should be the bell weather in regards to your dieting efforts. If you're losing LBM then you're diet is bad.
