runners! help please :)

do any of you runners have any recommendations on some running shoes? I am planning on training for a marathon sometime in the near future and am in need of a new pair of running shoes.
Thanks everyone! :)


  • pigwidgeon82
    pigwidgeon82 Posts: 79 Member
    it really depends on your foot type and gait. i have really high arches and am a supinator, so i have to have shoes that are really cushioned in the arch area. i have brooks glycerin 8s and i LOVE them.

    if you are serious about running, though, i'd definitely recommend going to a running store where they can look at your foot and gait and fit you with the proper type of shoe. otherwise you could really hurt yourself.

    you can also do the "wet test" to help you research shoes.,7120,s6-240-319-326-7152-0,00.html
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    You need to go somewhere like Fleet Foot. They watch how you run on a treadmill and can give you the best advice on which shoe to get based on how you run and carry yourself, so you can prevent injury and avoid buying the wrong shoe :). Best of luck! For me, I'm narrow footed and I don't like a lot of padding when I run, it bugs me, (I learned that at fleet foot), so I prefer Mizuno waves.