Can i put my treadmill on my second level floor

Does anyone here use a treadmill on the second floor of their home? Is it safe? Is there pounding noises for the people below?
Does anyone in Durham have one to sell? I am so out of room,, but i want one and some good advice.


  • journeytoahealthy51
    Yes, it is safe on the second flour, but good luck getting it there. They are heavy and awkward! I do think it will be noisy in the room below, but not too much you can do about that.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I had one briefly in my apartment and my neighbors complained of the noise so I switched to an elliptical, much quieter for everyone.
  • laurajplus4
    laurajplus4 Posts: 25 Member
    I have my treadmill and elliptical side by side upstairs. The treadmill was gard to get up there, but otherwise no issues. They are both loud directly below...especially the treadmill.
  • lynnbv
    I had mine on my second floor but eventually moved it downstairs just because i did not have enough space upstairs. The girls rooms were downstairs and they never complained about the noise. Good luck on your hunt to find one.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I live on the ground floor of a flat, the people upstairs sound extraordinarily noisy when walking around, if one of them runs down their hallway, it sounds as though they will come through the floor and join me for lunch! I dread to think what they would sound like pounding away on a treadmill.

    I have a treadmill, it is in my back room where the floor in that room is all concrete, even now I worry it might be making a loud pounding noise, however, nobody has ever complained - I am scared to ask in case they say "yes it is bloody loud" lol. It is for this reason that I very, very rarely go on it after 8pm.