30 day shred...help!!!!

so I been doin it for about 1 week and its still really hard...I can do all the moves but not as long as they do...I know your supposed to do it for 10 days then go to level 2 but I don't think I will be able to do level 2 if I can't hang with level 1...what do I do?????


  • dani22105
    dani22105 Posts: 94 Member
    Hey sweets!! Don't worry! Everyone is different, all you need to do is stick to Level 1 until you can build strength and feel comfortable progressing onto Level 2!

    Good luck ;)
  • vivipr
    vivipr Posts: 80 Member
    I just started level 2 after almost 3 weeks doing level 1... level 2 is haaard!!!! and I cant do jumping jacks as much as she does because both knees hurts so I modified. i just run in place while they are done. :) stick to it and you soon will get it. is hard but we can do it!!! good luk!
  • slippymcgee
    Yeahhhh..... I did 30ds before I'd lost any weight and was on level one for a few months. As long as you are getting a good workout- getting your heart rate up, sweating, etc, I wouldn't worry about being on level one. The thing that counts is that you're working out! Keep it up- it will eventually get easier :)
  • jina1981
    thanks ladies I will continue with level 1 and hopefully I can make it to level 2 sometime this year!!!!! :smooched:
  • Lotstoluv263
    My problem was the soreness and I just gave up.....I got to level 1, day 3!! I am going to pick it up again, and I am going to get through all 30 days!! I need tips to get rid of being sore. I went hiking this weekend and am so sore right now. I am hoping if I continue to push myself through the soreness, I will start 30DS again!!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one behind....I am on day 31 and just moving to level 3 tomorrow…I was starting to worry but I want to keep going with it. I do feel better. I wish my weight loss results were higher but I’m satisfied with where I am.

    My only worry is that my knees are starting to hurt. I am doing a few things modified so I hope it helps but I am a little concerned.

  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    You can do it! As long as you keep moving and just doing modifications it counts!

    I'm on level 2 day 6 and I think it's been over a month! I am determined to finish this because I don't remember ever finishing a workout program. Even if it takes me another 2 months I will finish this.
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    I just finished doing 30 Day Shred, here is the link to my "success story":

    My rule was...I could only move on to the next level if I could do the "easier" version of the moves, that included doing them without breaks (like the girls on the dvd do it). I only had to do it once during the 10 days on that level, so it was really motivating to stick it out so I could move onto the next level. That was my rule. It's whatever works the best for you. Although, each level seems to build muscles that will be focused on in the next level, so its to your advantage the be able to do the moves. Again, whatever works best for you. It's all exercise and benefiting your body, whether it's perfect or not! :smile:
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    i did level 1 for about a month take your time if you need
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Level 2 didn't seem as hard to me. You may be surprised. All I can say is try it and if it doesn't feel good go back until you feel ready.
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    You may surprise yourself! Give it a go! If it's too hard, go back to L1.

    Another tip....I recommend easing in to level 2, by alternating it with L1 for a bit. I found it to be really hard on my knees the first time around (and have heard many reports of others saying the same thing) and still have issues with one knee now, 6 months or so later. So just mix it up for a bit first, and modify moves if you need, then hopefully it won't be a problem for you.

    Happy shredding :smile:
  • londanfudd4eva
    has anyone tried zumba? it is very effective but fun it doesnt seem that u r actually working out but boy can u feel it all over when u r done. its easy to stick to though caus its fun
  • bindera
    bindera Posts: 8 Member
    I am on level three and it is HARD! but it took me a lot longer then 10 days to get to level two, also i "skipped" quite a few days in between. but either way, it is a great work out and just keep at it whatever pace or level! once ou get through the 30 days you can just use it as a workout video.... good luck girl, keep it up!
  • SanDFit
    SanDFit Posts: 76 Member
    I started L3 today and you're right. It is HARD! By the end of L2 which I did for 10 days I wasn't as tired or sweating as much by the end of it. But after a 3 day break due to the stomach flu I started L3 today and I had to take breaks. I hope it gets easier soon.
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    I usually just modify! Like others have said sometimes I also will run in place, instead of the jumping ropes. I am now on level 3 and it is still very difficult! But honestly just push through it as much as you can. I never do 100% as they do in the video, but I give it my all, I may take a slower pace, or break on a few during a circuit, but I just finish with my head held high knowing that I did what I could. Don't beat yourself up to much about it! Truly just do what you can at your pace and pause it if you have to! I do :) then resume when your ready and give it your all, again! What I started doing was challenging myself, to see how much farther I could push myself each day, I would try to do better the next day and so on. Sometimes I do better at the planks then I do in the cardio section, everyday is different :)
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    has anyone tried zumba? it is very effective but fun it doesnt seem that u r actually working out but boy can u feel it all over when u r done. its easy to stick to though caus its fun

    Yes! I LOVE Zumba, I try and go like 4 days a week :) it is a complete body burn, and its sooo much fun! You really forget your working out! :)
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    It's been a month and I'm almost done with level one. I don't do it consecutively though. I do it 2-3 x a week like I would normally alternate strength training. She says in the intro to move on when you are ready, in fact I never even heard it mentioned that you are supposed to do it every single day, but awesome for people that do. I like mixing it up and letting my muscles recover. I wasn't sore when I started the shred. After the first 5 times, I moved from 3lb weights to 5 and then was sore but the soreness only lasted a couple days. Epsom salt baths help. I was doing strength training before and use a lot of muscles in my work. All the jumping is killer though, knees and bladder. lol
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    My problem was the soreness and I just gave up.....I got to level 1, day 3!! I am going to pick it up again, and I am going to get through all 30 days!! I need tips to get rid of being sore. I went hiking this weekend and am so sore right now. I am hoping if I continue to push myself through the soreness, I will start 30DS again!!

    that's where I got to! Was so sore I thought I had torn a muscle in one of my legs... even had to quit running and other workouts for a while to heal. Back to the other workouts, am planning to do the 30DS again today, then will restart my running when the soreness goes away.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    My problem was the soreness and I just gave up.....I got to level 1, day 3!! I am going to pick it up again, and I am going to get through all 30 days!! I need tips to get rid of being sore. I went hiking this weekend and am so sore right now. I am hoping if I continue to push myself through the soreness, I will start 30DS again!!

    that's where I got to! Was so sore I thought I had torn a muscle in one of my legs... even had to quit running and other workouts for a while to heal. Back to the other workouts, am planning to do the 30DS again today, then will restart my running when the soreness goes away.

    Yea that's not being sore. That's being injured. Quite common in these sorts of things where exercise is used to try to lose weight.
  • RachelRedwood16
    RachelRedwood16 Posts: 19 Member
    I struggled with level 1 at first, it seems like a killer and some of the moves in level 2 don't seem as hard, try it, you could be pleasantly surprised!
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