For Lent, I am giving up... Giving Up!!

So alot of my MFP's have been asking... 'what are you giving up for lent?' Chocolate? Booze? Bread?

I have always tried to give something up for Lent food-wise.. but perhaps it doesn't have to be about giving up a treat. Everyone knows that a little treat now and again is better than depriving yourself of something to the point where after six weeks of Lent you might have a total splurge.

So, for Lent, I am giving up on giving up! I will persevere, I will keep up my motivation. I will eat as healthily as I can but not give up if I have a 'bad day' food-wise, I will not give up on exercise if I miss a day's workout. I will not give up on me!!

Who's with me?


  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    I think that's an excellent plan! I'm with you
  • I'm with you. Even tho I have 'given up' Beer for lent. In all honesty i have only had two nites of beer this year so its no great sacrifice. Just an extra push not to have those liquid calories.

    heres to not giving up lol
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm right there with you too! Excellent plan!
  • I love that idea!
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I don't do Lent but I'll join you in giving up giving up.
  • theonly1iknow
    theonly1iknow Posts: 90 Member
    I also don't do lent, but that was my new year's resolution, to NOT give up. i have to say I've been fairly motivated this year too, certainly more than last year.