Exercise and excusea

I had made up my mind that I was going to get up and exercise and get my shower before work. If I don't get up to exercise I would do my exercise at night. I know i feel better when I work out in the morning. During the night I woke up and wondered how long would it take for me to get my shower, blow dry, etc, since I normally get my shower at night. And what did I do i talked myself out of exercising and timing my shower. So tonight when I get home I will exercise and tomorrow I will start over. Why do the thoughts run thru your head during the night? Do you ever go thru something like this? I could just kick myself today i was so pump last night to do this. :angry: :grumble: :embarassed:


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I don't make it an option for myself. I set my alarm, get up, dress for workout, wash my face and away I go. If it is not optional in your brain I do it before I am awake enough to notice.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    I cant stand exercising after work.. I never have the energy!! I always go before. I find when I exercise at night, I cant get to sleep either!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    You just have to make the commitment to working out in the morning... Once you start doing it and make it a habit, you'll have no problem... Just set the alarm and do it!!!
  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    I workout at the gym all the time but this Christmas I bought a treadmill for the times that I want to work out but the gym is closed (every weekend) We had a three day weekend last weekend and I said to myself I am going to get three good runs in and feel great. I did 0, none, didnt even get off the couch. Not sure why I let myself talk myself out of a run but I did. I have no idea why we do that, I know that I will feel better, and look better after a workout but still I find excuses not to. When you find the secret please let me know!
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Yes, we all do this, it's human nature. What I do is make sure I go on "Auto-pilot"...I don't allow it to even be an option, just get up when alarm goes off, dress and go before I have a chance to talk myself out of it. It's not always easy but eventually it will become habit and you won't even think twice about it. For now though, you have to make yourself "not think" just "do".

    If you find yourself still struggling just tell yourself you can quit after 10 minutes but you have to do it for 10 minutes. I guarantee at that 10 minute mark (if you even remember about it) you will think "I'm already here I may as well finish" and we can ALL do ANYTHING for 10 minutes. Trust me on this, THIS one has worked for me MANY times!

    Good luck and DON"T GIVE UP!

  • claresusan
    claresusan Posts: 121 Member
    Just remember that a habit takes about 3 weeks to form, so just keep on doing what you promise yourself you will do. I was completely sedentary and now I exercise for at least 90mins or so EVERY day. It does become easier!! You are so worth it!! :smile:
    Have sent you a friend request
  • swellen
    swellen Posts: 78 Member
    I once heard someone say they take a "don't negotiate with terrorists" attitude to exercise - 'terrorists' being those self-sabotaging thoughts and endless mental arguments we have with ourselves that always make us stay home... it's too cold, it's too hot, I'm too tired, I'll do it later, etc etc etc. When my alarm goes off at 5.20am and I'm groaning, I have to remind myself, "You can do it! Don't negotiate with terrorists."
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    This is exactly why I would never schedule exercise for first thing in the morning. I know myself and I know I wouldn't do it. You have to fit exercise in at times you know you can and will sustain.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    i use the gym in my work and i argue with myself about going straight after work.... if i dont then i end up going home and then i think --- i am NOT going back to my work to the gym. hahaha

    other excuses --
    - TV is good
    - hungover
    - weather is rubbish
    - cant find socks
    - cant find trainers
    - cant be fooked
    - work was rubbish therefore im going home to eat
    - just lazy day

    hahahaha i have a lot of exercuses. lol xx
  • The best way is to arrange to workout with someone else, that way you have to let them down if you're going to bin it. There is always an excuse not to Workout but really only one to Workout....
  • i'm really depressed, everyday i promise my self,i will strat exercising today no matter what happen.i ended up doing nothing just working virtually,,, i need to loose weight so no other way but exercise especialy after giving birth,now my baby is 4months old :),,,,, i'm so stressed coz i don't know how to start to ste this habit, anyone could advice me plzzzzzzz:sad:
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I make excuses not to go to the gym...such as waiting for an hour in traffic to get there. On those days I just make sure I do a video at home or some calisthenics and challenges. Sometimes it's good to have a backup plan for when we try to sabotage our own plans, but as you know...there's always some excuse. :tongue: Just give it a go again tomorrow! :smile:
  • I can't do it in the morning so I exercise when I get home from work.

    I get in, go loo, get changed in to my jogging bottoms and t-shirt and go for my run.

    My treat is a bath and Dinner...!

    I work 40 miles from home so I don't have much time either side of the night. I just make sure I have prepared what I am having for dinner the day before so I know how long it takes.

    Also - I do 40 minutes of walking in my lunch hour and I only do 30 minute workouts at home...which isn't too bad.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    i'm really depressed, everyday i promise my self,i will strat exercising today no matter what happen.i ended up doing nothing just working virtually,,, i need to loose weight so no other way but exercise especialy after giving birth,now my baby is 4months old :),,,,, i'm so stressed coz i don't know how to start to ste this habit, anyone could advice me plzzzzzzz:sad:

    Start with something small: take a walk, do a video, or go dancing. Any movement is good movement! Try not to stress...stress won't help you gain the lifestyle you want. Take a deep breath, push yourself a little harder, and start working towards your goals. Good luck!
  • thanks a lot missjoci,i will try,,,,,:smile:
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    The best thing is not to even think about it!! Its important to get exercise into a routine just like brushing your teeth and getting dressed every morning. Our bodies once accustomed to a sedentary life, will resist becoming active again. I know mine did and still does at times. So, I have to just pop in the workout DVD and get going before anything else happens.

    Its like the Nike motto: "Just do it!" Even if you miss a day or two, don't let that stop. Keep on doing it as often as you can as it will eventually become a routine.

  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 232 Member
    i'm really depressed, everyday i promise my self,i will strat exercising today no matter what happen.i ended up doing nothing just working virtually,,, i need to loose weight so no other way but exercise especialy after giving birth,now my baby is 4months old :),,,,, i'm so stressed coz i don't know how to start to ste this habit, anyone could advice me plzzzzzzz:sad:

    Start with something small: take a walk, do a video, or go dancing. Any movement is good movement! Try not to stress...stress won't help you gain the lifestyle you want. Take a deep breath, push yourself a little harder, and start working towards your goals. Good luck!

    Every marathon starts with just one step. Take that one step!
  • I never think about it I just do it, if you think about it you'll put it off or doubt will pop in.
  • stephzub
    stephzub Posts: 106 Member
    I am so drained after work and kids activities that morning is best for me too; sometimes I even sleep in my workout clothes so that when I wake up, I really have no excuses to skip.
  • love2bthin
    love2bthin Posts: 176 Member
    Thank you everyone for the wonderful ideas! I will reply tomorrow and let you know that I DID IT!!!! Please send me a friend request so we can support each other daily. Have a blessed day:smooched: