Kinect games?

Hey all! So I was just wondering, who's tried different kinect games to get your heart pumping? And what do you think of it? So far, I have the Kinect Adventures game, Your Shape Fitness Evolved, Kinect Sports and Dance Central 2. Personally, I like them all! But my favorite so far Dance Central 2. I have a HRM that accurately tells me calories burn and you can SERIOUSLY work up a sweat with the dancing game!! It's fantastic for those days when you want to have more fun with your workouts than JUST going to the gym, or if you don't feel in the mood to go out to a gym and hop on some machines. I had one of those days today. So I played your shape fitness evolved. Seriously you guys, I love my kinect. I highly recommend their games. They're very fun! Especially if you want your kids to be more active but it's cold and they want to stay inside. They have a lot of things to do in their games (especially Dance Central 2 and Kinect Sports). What are your opinions? What other games would be good to play? Chit-chat, ideas, tips&tricks, etc. welcome! :)


  • I just played Fruit Ninja for the first time with my daughter. It was so fun!!! I can totally feel it in my arms after just ten minutes. I really wish it was in the exercise data base...
  • i love dance central, i play a lot with my daughter she love that too. i have jillian michael fitness adventure and it's a terrible game, the kinect recognizes almost no movement, it is very frustrating after 30 jumping jack the game recognizes two and you're blocked.
  • I have just dance 3. It is a workout. We had a birthday party for a friend and we played just dance and dance central. My truck driver husband who is in super shape (probably 7%or less body fat) was sore the next day. That tells me it works. Lots of fun.
  • Sweet! I wanted the Kinect Sports 2 game :)