New to this...

So...being pregnant, 2x so close together, didn't do anything good for my body at all. I went from 165lbs pre-pregnancy, to a whopping 247lbs a little over a year ago. After taking drastic, and unhealthy steps... I lost about 32lbs. But I got stuck. So the decision to stop harming my body to lose the weight, came in about 2 weeks ago. I joined the gym and started EATING and eating healthy! ***I found this app on my phone so I'm hoping this will help!!!***
My weight has been fluctuating, between 215lbs-212lbs That frustrates me soo much. I start to feel like what I'm doing isn't even working.
Anyone with info or wisdom....bring it on!!!!


  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Hi and congrats on making a positive step towards a healthier life! If you keep at it, this site can motivate and support you on your fitness goal journey. I wish you the best of luck and support.

    Remember, slow and steady wins the race.
  • SaraSeever
    Thank you!!! =-)
  • Cghern2
    Cghern2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I just joined this site last week and I hope this time I can stick to the plan I want to follow. I was surprised to see how many calories some of my favorite foods have. I think the calorie counting is great because I can see how many calories I intake everyday and I am sure that is going to help me alot. Please if anyone has any advice or words of support feel free to add me as a friend so we can go trough this together BTW I need to lose more than 60 pounds!!!
  • SaraSeever
    I was in complete shock today as I started putting in the calories of what I had eaten. Even though most of it is "healthy" stuff. Kinda crazy!
  • RickGil
    the HARDEST part is changing your diet. thats step one. the app has been extremley helpful
  • SaraSeever
    I can see clearly that this app will be helpful and a HUGE reality check! =)
  • matthewparmenter
    Hello and welcome!

    Making the decision to change your life is the first step (and sometimes the hardest). You will find a wide variety of opinions/routines/tips on the forum but my best advice is to stick to logging everything you eat, continuing to be active and exercise and don't focus on the large number you need/want to lose. Focus instead on smaller more short-term goals. Meet one goal, make another. The little ones add up!

    And the goals don't have to be weight related either. See how long it takes you or walk/run a mile and then try and take 1 minute off your time after two weeks. See if you can log everything you eat for 10 days, then 25. Challenge yourself to exercise at least 30 minutes 7 days in a row. Can you make it 14?

    If you find that what you are doing isn't working, don't be afraid to switch it up! Over time you will learn what works for you and you will start to see results.

    Drink lots of water.
    Make sure you are eating enough.
    Stay positive!
    Don't weigh yourself every day (it can drive you crazy or discourage you)

    Good luck!