Need positive, inspiring friends!

:happy: I am looking for positive people to help me along in my journey! People to help push me when I have a craving for chocolate!


  • CRichards22
    friend me!!!
  • lxmack
    Welcome, it is a great place! Feel free to friend me.
  • SERinDC
    SERinDC Posts: 93 Member
    I'll add you now! Good luck!
  • steffihoney
    I sent you a friend request. We could all use some inspiration.
  • my2boiz
    add me! looking for new friends too!
  • traceyjayne64
    Feel free to add me too :smile:
  • rissasgunnadoit
    everyone feel free to add, me, i really like this friend feature, it helps motivate you :)
  • MndaLynn
    MndaLynn Posts: 26 Member
    Add me. I have been using the site for about two months...and I'm on every single day. I'm always up for offering postive thoughts and motivation. Oh...and did you mention chocolate...I love chocolate!! It is all about moderation. Instead of having a king size snickers bar, I have one Dove dark chocolate. The funny thing is before I decided I needed to make these changes...that one tiny chocolate would not have satisfied me. does.

    Anyone can add me. I love having new friends that are just as motivated as myself. That log what they eat and fit in exercise where they can. I do not eat perfect...but I work out most days...and eat in moderation.
  • matto7347
    matto7347 Posts: 27 Member
    Add Me if you want. Looking for positive people myself. Been using MFP for almost two weeks. Love it. This site and the app are so easy to use. And the people on here and the blogs are very positive as well Good luck!!
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    How about funny, and being a smart-*kitten*? Add me then...
  • Get2bme
    Get2bme Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I start, get discourged and quit. This time feels different, I've added walking. I'm so excited. I would love to have people to help encourge, and to help encourge me! Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • marybobaly
    Friend me, I am hungry now! Good thing I worked out and earned some extra calories.
  • aditipandya
    hey m new..looking for some good buddies..:)
  • nancik81
    Hi SAHM looking for friends to lean on...also looking for people that are a member of Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Will add you!
  • taniahermann
    taniahermann Posts: 2 Member
    I will send you a request- looking for positive reinforcement as well!
  • nikki_starr
    nikki_starr Posts: 21 Member
    add me!!!:smile:
  • iboxerlove
    hey my name is Mary and im 19yrs old. Im having a hard time sticking to my diet and exercise. i could use friends with positive attitudes and who are willing to meet and become friends with someone new like me. :) i dont judge so please add me and lets have a chat.
  • eyewonder2
    add me I'm new and looking for encouraging friends
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Any of you are free to add me, too.