Yoga (or Budokon) anyone?

Hey everyone, I just decided to try out yoga since I'd seen other people talking about it and it sounded interesting. I had bought a DVD of something called Budokon a while back because it had some martial arts on it, I had just skipped over the yoga portion at the beginning of the workout before.

However, last Saturday I decided to try doing the whole thing and see how it went. It wasn't too bad while I was doing it, but man, I'm still sore! According to a reviewer on Amazon, the yoga in that DVD is a modified sort of vinyasa yoga, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about the different forms of yoga and how intense they are. It would appear that my impression of yoga as a wimpy sort of exercise is quite wrong! Also, do you enjoy yoga and could you tell me about your experience with it?

Also, has anyone else used the Budokon series and could you share your opinion and impression of it, as a workout? Is it effective at building muscle, does it get boring after a short time, that kind of thing. Thanks guys!


  • nightangelstars
    nightangelstars Posts: 337 Member
    Hey everyone, I just decided to try out yoga since I'd seen other people talking about it and it sounded interesting. I had bought a DVD of something called Budokon a while back because it had some martial arts on it, I had just skipped over the yoga portion at the beginning of the workout before.

    However, last Saturday I decided to try doing the whole thing and see how it went. It wasn't too bad while I was doing it, but man, I'm still sore! According to a reviewer on Amazon, the yoga in that DVD is a modified sort of vinyasa yoga, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about the different forms of yoga and how intense they are. It would appear that my impression of yoga as a wimpy sort of exercise is quite wrong! Also, do you enjoy yoga and could you tell me about your experience with it?

    Also, has anyone else used the Budokon series and could you share your opinion and impression of it, as a workout? Is it effective at building muscle, does it get boring after a short time, that kind of thing. Thanks guys!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hey There!
    I've been doing yoga for about 10 years now, and yes it can be a very strenuous workout! There is nothing wimpy about it at all :happy:
    Most yoga we do is a form of astanga yoga, and yes the power of it comes from the vinyasas, or the connecting movements between the postures. I have done many other types of workouts over the years, runing, aerobics, dance, but I've always been the most toned and in the best shape when I've consistantly done yoga. What's great about yoga is that the intensity can be modified to suit the individual, and you can always challenge yourself in your workout.
    What I love about yoga is the discipline. You have to always be aware and 'present' in the moment as you do each pose. It's a mental exercise as well as physical.
    Two of my favorite DVDs that I've done for several years are 'The Flow Series' with Ganja White and Tracey Rich (you can google the White Lotus Foundation for info), and Power Yoga with Beryl Bender Birch (she's an amazing woman!).
    Hope you enjoy your yoga and keep up the great work!
  • mckelan
    mckelan Posts: 9
    :bigsmile: So nice to hear that someone tried YOGA and enjoyed it. There are many different style of practice. I am a certified Yoga instructor and am currently working on a Higher Cert. Sounds like you did a Vinyasa Flow. That is GREAT !!! many people think that yoga is not a workout. IT IS !!! a normal Power..or Flow class will burn over 400 calories. It also changes your muscles. It will lengthen them and make them appear leaner and longer. It will change your posture. It is a mind body experience. I really encourage taking a class. Local YMCA or YWCA often have classes....even sometimes a Town adult ed will offer a class. Just make sure the teacher is certified. Taking a class with a trained teacher will help you in many ways. Even if you only do it a few will help in your home practice. Namaste ....