
Hello everyone! I have been using MFP for about a month, but kept my profile private until now. I decided if I was going to make an effort to shed some pounds I need to put it all out there and stop hiding! I am interested in teaming up with others for motivation! Being a single mom with little kids, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to healthy living. I welcome any feedback as this all new to me!



  • fufulicious
    fufulicious Posts: 2 Member
    I am new too..... I just sent you a friends request..... I only joined this site yesterday!!! Where are you from? I am from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada!!!
  • msjessae
    Sent you a FR :)

    Be the role model for the kids :D
  • lucky_74
    I am new as well! Good for you for coming out of hiding :)
    What health and fitness goals do you have set?
  • kimmierocks
    I am from Texas! Its true, everything is BIGGER in Texas including me! I have at least 30 pounds I want to lose. I have tried half heartedly in the past to make some positive changes in my lifestyle, but this time I have taken it to another level! I really try to watch what I eat, although its a constant challenge. I have been working out on a regualr basis. If I can implement both for the long haul, I should see results. Sometimes just need a little motivation, and seeing your pics, its a good start! You look great!
  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    I joined and didnt add friends.....months later i decided to give it another go...I now have just over 200 supportive..Im Nicole from Australia...i will send you a request..anyone feel free to add me as well and good luck to all:smile: