JULY JULY JULY let's lose weight together!

Maybaby Posts: 18
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Who's in? Post everyday, stick to eating well and exercising. When we have other people to rely on, we are less likely to give in. We all want to lose weight, but it's getting the self-control to actually do it. I want to lose about 15 lbs total, so I can wear a bathing suit before summer ends. Who's with me?


  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    count me in! I gained 1.5lbs on Monday :sad: so I'm in need of some motivation!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I'm in!....although it doesnt even seem like summer has began here lmao....and hun dont worry about the 1.5lbs it could just be water retainment...the body's weight fluctuates a pound or two because of fluids
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am in with you!!!

    My birthday is July 24 and my anniversary is July 25!!

    i am trying to be down another size by then..........
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I'm a July baby too -- the 29th! Lioness' rule!
    I'd like to say the 1.5lbs doesn't bother me at all...very likely is water weight left over from my TOM - but there was the 2 glasses of wine or the caramel apple quesadilla or the total lack of exercise last week that might have a smidgen of influence over my weight gain. :grumble:
    no one to blame but myself.
    It's ok, I'm back on track now and looking forward to a great JULY!!
  • Maybaby
    Maybaby Posts: 18
    Great well I started with Fage Yogurt and honey and half a banana, going to go for a run. mornings and afternoons are always easy for me---it's the night that i have trouble resisting anything! Yesterday I ate about 1000 calories in chocolate oh :( It's July so I'm hopeful that our little community will be very productive!
  • Maybaby
    Maybaby Posts: 18
    I hate the weight loss tickers!!! Want to just state how many lbs we have to lose? It all looks like SPAM to me otherwise :laugh:
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    Im in...i would love to lose some inches this month, i started the day with some whole wheat french toast and egg whites. then i did a run interval on the treadmill with cardio coach....

    Maybaby- love greek yogurt,can't find the fage brand though....gotta eat either oiko or chobani.

    i too went over in calories last night...had some drinks that lead to pizza. :drinker: :wink: :smile: it was delish and i don't regret a minute of it:happy:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I'm a July baby too -- the 29th! Lioness' rule!
    I'd like to say the 1.5lbs doesn't bother me at all...very likely is water weight left over from my TOM - but there was the 2 glasses of wine or the caramel apple quesadilla or the total lack of exercise last week that might have a smidgen of influence over my weight gain. :grumble:
    no one to blame but myself.
    It's ok, I'm back on track now and looking forward to a great JULY!!

    I am the 29th too!!!! I'm in!

    Just finished day 1 of week 9 in Couch to 5K program....hope to lose another 6 pounds by end of july putting my at 80 pounds....1 pound by the 4th....
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    yay another Leo in the group!
    Chrissyh you must be a fantastic person (what with being born on the 29th and all!) :wink:
  • Sign me up. I would like to lose about 20 pounds.

  • I"M IN!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    yay another Leo in the group!
    Chrissyh you must be a fantastic person (what with being born on the 29th and all!) :wink:

    You know it!!!
  • sugarpi
    sugarpi Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in I need a kick in the rear like right now:sad:
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    Happy Thursday everyone!!

    Well I didn't exercise yesterday at all...so much for a great start to the month of July...but I plan to walk today at work for sure. I put a bathing suit on yesterday and honestly it wasn't that bad. But I'm not where I want to be yet so this is the time to refocus and get a move on it!
  • bysept15th
    bysept15th Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in!! I am a Sagittarius!! I want to lose 16 lbs.

    SW: 196
    GW: 180

    I am currently in my 3rd week day 18 of p90x. We have a formula to lose the weight but I see on here that you guys know how many calories you are supposed to be eating a day. Where'd you get that info from (accurately)? I just ordered a heart rate monitor so I can count how many calories I use in a day but until it comes in, how can I figure that out? According to Tony Horton of Beachbody and p90X, I am supposed to be eating around 2800 calories a day (I use about 1900 for normal bodily functions and going about plus my exercise). Your calorie deficit has to about 1000 or higher, so if I eat 2800 and my body uses 1900 of those, then I have around 900 left. According to the "geniuses", I am supposed to lose 2 lbs a week doing this. You have to use the formula of 50/30/20, meaning 50% protein, because muscle burns fat, 30 %carbs for fuel, and 20% fat (just because your body needs SOME fat too!!!

    Let me know if you guys have some other info or formulas to use!!!

    Let's BRING IT!! (as Tony says).....

  • Maybaby
    Maybaby Posts: 18
    how are you liking that p90x? it seems difficult, and expensive.
  • haven2011
    haven2011 Posts: 1
    I'm with you all :smile:
  • bysept15th
    bysept15th Posts: 9 Member
    how are you liking that p90x? it seems difficult, and expensive.

    I love it!! I am seeing lots of inches lost. I am on Day 25 of 90. I bought it through ebay so it really wasn't that expensive, about the price of a good meal for 2.

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